General information
Name  Pika_boy16
Power Banned
Sex Male
Title banned: lame attempt at giving himself false praise
Rank Red Goomba
To next rank 8 posts
Karma 26
Total posts 42 (0.01 per day)
Total threads 5 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 11-09-16, 03:46 pm (2816 days ago)
Last post 12-06-16, 12:40 am (2790 days ago)
in mini hackculminated The Amazing Adventure Of Mario (Different Dimensional Trash Can™) » 53803
Last view 12-09-17, 09:29 pm (2421 days ago)
Browser Chrome 63.0.3239
Total +1s received 8 [View...]
From: Asprok (1),  theninja1000 (1), TheKoopaKingdom (1), Koopamario64 (1),  HD Erick Games (1), more...
Total +1s given 2
To:  HD Erick Games (2)
Contact information
Email address Private
Homepage Mini-Hack -
Theme Space over the Deck (no lag)
Items per page 40 posts, 60 threads
Language es_ES
Personal information
Real name Wilson
Location Maiquetia. Caracas}
Birthday November 16, 2002 (21 years old)
During this time I have been in this community I have realized that everyone can design their hack and their texture I thank these creators.

The idea of creating hacks was given by Skawo, NewLuigiDev and MarioFanatic64

My Channel:
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Pika_boy16
« 12
 Fluorescent Your signature still doesn't make any sense to us, could you please explain what it means?
 Pika_boy16 My rom hacks are skills, just use the right move
 Fluorescent First of all, usually when you reply to a profile comment, you reply on the other person's profile so that you both get a notification
 Fluorescent Second of all, this still doesn't make any sense, just post the original sentence in spanish so that spanish users could translate it for you
newluigidev Uh, is there a reason me and skawo are in your 'team'?
newluigidev Could you not use my ROM as a base? You never asked for permission
 Pika_boy16 Sorry Yes?
newluigidev Uh, no. You can't just steal someone's ROM and expect everything to be fine. You must ask for permission. It's ok now because I'm not using, nor updating that Newer Starshine, but starting again, so it's fine. But ask for permission in the future.
 cros107 I don't even think Arceus is ROM hacking anymore
 Ndymario BTW, like the new profile pic
newluigidev Uh, sorry. You're not stealing my ROM again without permission. Do it again & i'll report you.
newluigidev You don't need a 'fancy' pc to compile ASM. It's not hard either.
newluigidev I said you can use my old ROM, but not the new version of Newer Starshine.
newluigidev The new one isn't out yet.
Asprok Deja de rerregistrarte, por favor. No lograrás nada.
« 12
Sample post
Red Goomba
banned: lame attempt at giving himself false praise

Karma: 26
Posts: 42
Since: 11-09-16
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

My Hack one:
My channel Youtube:
My Channel alternative:

Merry christmas and happy new year 2017