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Posted on 04-28-15, 02:19 pm
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 393/1156
Since: 11-29-11
I have some notes which will may help people who are new at this.

I changed sprite 1 to link to ClassID 238,
and then I set sprite in W1-1 Area 1 to test it.
It didn't work. Then I changed the Spritesets of the level to 5-1 (Bullet Bill/Bomb), and then it worked.
This wasn't (as far as I know) in the tutorial, but I think it's important to know.

So: If you change a sprite to link to a ClassID which is originally used by a sprite from another Spriteset (for example 2-4), you'll STILL have to turn Spriteset 2-4 on. Otherwise the sprite won't be visible in-game.


Something else:
This is already in tutorial Change ClassID's of Sprites, but to prevent people making this mistake:

Posted by Hiccup

Blooper Baby

Info from: Sharks
Actor No. 146
Sprite Set: 1-4

Sprite Data

00 00 00 00 0T TS*

If you want to change the ClassID of a sprite to, for example: Blooper Baby, don't type '146' in the Hex Editor of NSMBe.
This is the Decimal Value, and you have to type it in the Hex Editor as Hexadecimal Value.
You can use this decimal to hex converter tool.
You'll see: 146 ==> 92.

I hope this information will help.
Posted on 04-28-15, 05:01 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1339/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Yes. Sprite sets should really be called Actor sets. I did put that those numbers were in decimal, and I guessed people would work out that it should be in hex, like the other numbers in the overlay. I will add these things to the first post. Thanks.
Posted on 05-04-15, 10:43 am
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 406/1156
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by Sharks
When SMW meets NSMB !

I changed sprite 1 to link to Class ID 238, but when I set sprite 1 in a level, the Banzai Bill moved to the right. I thought it would work the same as the Bullet Bill sprite, but then the Banzai Bill should have moved to the left instead of to the right.

If you set sprite 55 (Screen edge Bullet Bill spawner) in a level and you choose the option 'Y position: Fires at Mario', the Raw Sprite Data is 00 00 00 00 00 01.

If I change the Raw Sprite Data of sprite 1 to 00 00 00 00 00 01, the Banzai Bill still moves to the right, and not to the left, where Mario is.

What can I do to make Banzai Bill moving left? (or diagonal?)
Posted on 05-04-15, 10:49 am

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1348/2091
Since: 06-26-11
00 00 00 00 00 03

3 is the value for left. 1 is for right.
Posted on 05-04-15, 10:51 am (rev. 4 by  KingYoshi on 05-04-15, 11:06 am)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 407/1156
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by Hiccup
00 00 00 00 00 03
3 is the value for left. 1 is for right.

Thanks, it works now!
And the values for diagonal?

EDIT: Oh never mind, I just tested some values and found it myself.

EDIT2: Hm, weird, those values don't work for sprite 55..
Posted on 05-04-15, 12:01 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1350/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Your welcome.

No, no sprite seems to spawn Bullet Bills with those parameters.
Posted on 05-04-15, 12:45 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5568
Posts: 969/1425
Since: 06-25-13
KingYoshi, yeah it doesn't work for sprite 55 but you can actually replace e.g. sprite 2 with the following data and then you can set up bullet bills with directions:

Posted by Hiccup
Bullet Bill
Actor No. 27
Sprite Set: 5-1
To-do: rest of spritedata
Sprite Data
00 00 00 00 00 0D
Nybble 11 - D - Direction: 0=Facing Mario,1=Right,2=Upside-down & right,3=Left,4=down 5=Up,6=Down-left,7=Down-right,8=Up-right,9=Up-left,A=Facing Camera & Still

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Posted on 08-14-15, 12:19 pm (rev. 3 by  KingYoshi on 08-14-15, 02:11 pm)
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 516/1156
Since: 11-29-11
Hiccup, maybe you could post a URL to ELMario's thread in the first post to make this more available for people who don't know much about Class IDs yet, since ELMario's thread isn't very easy to find. Another option could be putting it on the Wiki.
Posted on 12-10-15, 07:16 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 3/145
Since: 03-04-13
I have a question
How do I get the bills banzai ? is that as the Class id tool have not I get the class id of the bills banzai need to help me or give me a tutorial on how to do thanks
Posted on 12-10-15, 07:30 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1499/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by KingYoshi
Hiccup, maybe you could post a URL to ELMario's thread in the first post to make this more available for people who don't know much about Class IDs yet, since ELMario's thread isn't very easy to find. Another option could be putting it on the Wiki.


Posted by Luigui3060
I have a question
How do I get the bills banzai ? is that as the Class id tool have not I get the class id of the bills banzai need to help me or give me a tutorial on how to do thanks

Banzai Bill is actor 238.
There is are links to tutorials in the first post. Class ID Tool doesn't work anymore, I recommend the manual (hex editing) method. Easy once you've got the hang of it, especially if you use a good hex editor.
Posted on 12-10-15, 07:31 pm
Fire Snake

Karma: 3805
Posts: 576/1156
Since: 11-29-11
Information about what Class IDs are:

Tutorial about how to change Class IDs:

Posted on 12-10-15, 07:37 pm

Karma: 87
Posts: 6/145
Since: 03-04-13
thank you
Posted on 12-11-15, 04:04 pm (rev. 1 by Luigui3060 on 12-11-15, 04:04 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 8/145
Since: 03-04-13
in which the sprite is banzai bill
Posted on 12-12-15, 09:19 pm (rev. 1 by Luigui3060 on 12-12-15, 09:19 pm)

Karma: 87
Posts: 9/145
Since: 03-04-13
Thank you very much for the guides were very helpful to me
Posted on 01-30-16, 09:38 pm (rev. 2 by  MeroMero on 01-31-16, 02:32 pm)
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 335/598
Since: 05-01-13
Bullet Bill
Actor 27
Sprite set: 5-1
-- -- H- -- -- WD

Nybble 4 - H -, if set, pins the Actor's horizontal position on the same layer than the camera.

Nybble 10 - W - only works if nybble 11 is set to 1, still needs testing.

Nybble 11 - D - is the direction, already documented.

Actor 78
Sprite set: 16-2
-- -- T- -A AA AM

Nybble 4 - T -, if nybble 11 is set to 0, controls the intensity of the fireball.
0: Leaves several sparks behind.
1: Leaves a little trail behind.
2: Doesn't leave any trail.

Nybbles 7-10 - AAAA -, if nybble 11 is set to 3, control the firing angle according to the unit circle.
To get the value in radians, apply the formula AAAA×π/32768, considering the circle rotates counterclockwise and starts from the right.
To get the value in degrees, apply the formula [450-(AAAA×45/8192)] mod 360, considering the circle rotates clockwise and starts from the top.
Noticeable values:
0×0000: Right
0×2000: Up-Right
0×4000: Up
0×6000: Up-Left
0×8000: Left
0×A000: Down-Left
0×C000: Down
0×E000: Down-Right

Nybble 11 - M - allows you to choose between mode 0 and mode 3.

Each instance of Actor 78 loads one Fireball, thus multiple fireballs can be loaded at the same time.
Cannot be loaded more than once without changing View.

Actor 97
No need for manual input.

Flame Chomp
Actor 108
No need for manual input.

Actor 156
No need for manual input.

Defunct Actor 229 (Some sort of platform judging by the data? Maybe uses puyo_lift.nsbtx as a texture?)
Actor 229 - Sprite 125
Sprite set: 8-4
II JJ KL H- -- --
Alas it seems that this sprite is impossible to load, but that doesn't mean it is devoid of data.

Nybbles 2-3 - JJ - are probably the Trigger ID 1?
Data supports the presence of Triggers ID, so most likely.

Nybbles 0-1 - II - are probably the Trigger ID 2?
Data supports the presence of Triggers ID, so most likely.

Nybble 4 - K - is probably the Trigger ID Check?
AND R1, R1, #1
Nybble 4 is stored in R1.
Basically if R1 is even, then R1 AND 1 = 0, else if odd R1 AND 1 = 1.
Trigger ID Check's code is exactly this, it gives credence to Nybble 4 being indeed the Trigger ID Check.

Nybble 5 - L - is probably the length by the looks of it?
If lower than 1, make it 1.
If higher than 4, make it 4.

Nybble 6 - H - is probably the height by the looks of it?
If lower than 1, make it 1.
If higher than 3, make it 3.

Banzai Bill
Actor 238
Sprite set: 5-1
-- -- H- -- -- WD

Nybble 4 - H -, if set, pins the Actor's horizontal position on the same layer than the camera.

Nybble 10 - W - only works if nybble 11 is set to 1, still needs testing.

Nybble 11 - D - is the direction, already documented.

Bill Blaster
Actor 248 - Sprite 27
Sprite set: 5-1
-- -- -- -- WD HU

Nybble 8 - W - was used by Nintendo devs, somehow as a copy of Nybble 10, but is apparently never called at all, needs testing.

Nybble 11 - U - is stored by the game for ulterior use but seems to never be called, still needs testing.

Banzai Bill Cannon
Actor 249 - Sprite 255
Sprite set: 5-1
-- -- -- -- -D -U

Nybble 11 - U - is stored by the game for ulterior use but seems to never be called, still needs testing.

Note on nybbles 0 to 3:
Those 4 nybbles are stored separately from the rest of the data, as such I came to the conclusion that if any of those nybbles are used, they will ALWAYS be identified as one category of Trigger ID.
Posted on 01-31-16, 12:23 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1541/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Interesting research!
I've added the actors without sprites to the first post, could you add the sprites to the spritedb?

If you don't want to do it, say so - and I will.
Posted on 01-31-16, 02:16 pm (rev. 1 by  MeroMero on 01-31-16, 02:33 pm)
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 339/598
Since: 05-01-13
Knock yourself out, I don't have much interest in the sprite database nowadays.
If the sprite database was changed to a class database, which by all rights should be the logical choice now, then maybe it will spark my interest again, maybe.

EDIT: Fireball Actor updated.
Posted on 01-31-16, 04:06 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1542/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Updated first post for ones with no sprite and added ones with sprite to appropriate sprite's notes box. I'll probably add it to the fields when I next go over the spritedb changes.
Posted on 01-31-16, 04:45 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6589
Posts: 341/598
Since: 05-01-13
See  Hiccup, this is why you shouldn't be so hasty when C/Ping another post. :/

Posted by Sharks
Nybble 11 - D - is the direction, already documented.

This was to be used in conjunction with your data, but now that you've wiped it out…

Nothing a Google cache can't find thankfully.
Posted on 01-31-16, 05:27 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 1543/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Thanks. I've restored it.

I'm kinda busy right now, so for now, people will have to see your post for the extra info.
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