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TriangularFish |
Posted on 08-23-17, 09:41 pm in Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 5/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
Hey I was thinking of a semi-realistic idea (might be too late into the project though) Maybe we could do something like Kaze did and 1. Add a donate button because I am sure MANY people would love to support this project, and 2. Put the top donators under a "Top donators" section in the credits because that would encourage people even more to donate. I dunno, just a thought
TriangularFish |
Posted on 10-10-17, 11:37 am in Four years later
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 16/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
INB4 trashed, but seriously what is the point of this thread? Are you trying to be philosophical or something, also no wonder you have negative karma
TriangularFish |
Posted on 11-29-17, 03:42 pm in We Need to Fight for Net Neutrality
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 29/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
Copy and paste but we need to listen and fight
Hey everyone, the chairman of the FCC is very likely to announce a vote to gut neutrality, possibly as soon as this week. Once a vote is called, it will become much, much harder to stop ISPs from charging us all extra fees to access sites like reddit, github, here, YouTube, and everywhere, and they can demand payment from websites or services for any reason, stifling independent voices... Like going to possibly offensive website or a small website (like this) Better pay up. But there’s still hope. The most effective way to can stop this is by driving as many calls as possible to our Senators and Representatives, now through Nov. 22nd. We're getting word that there are lawmakers who are sympathetic to our cause and considering taking action to slow the FCC down, but they won’t act unless they get more phone calls from constituents. Also, if your think your Rep's opposed to net neutrality, its all the more reason to call them. Those Reps need to hear your voice more than anyone. Please, head over to , and give your Senators and Reps a call telling them to stop the FCC from slashing Title II net neutrality protections. The time to act is now. To reach the call in line directly by phone, call 202-930-8550. When you get through to your Rep's office, introduce yourself, be polite, and say: I support "Title Two" net neutrality rules and I urge you to oppose the FCC's plan to repeal them. Specifically, I'd like you to contact the FCC Chairman and demand he abandon his current plan. We also have ready-made banners, modals, and graphics of various sizes here: Thanks. |
TriangularFish |
Posted on 11-29-17, 11:18 pm in We Need to Fight for Net Neutrality
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 30/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
(Did you know? Sunlight burns things) In all seriousness though I think this may be affecting other countries anyways. While it may start here it will soon spread everywhere and lots of sites with USA connections (even just users from the USA), could be effected. |
TriangularFish |
Posted on 01-14-18, 07:53 pm in MK8 Deluxe - NSMBHD Cup!
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 46/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
Oh, well sorry for declining you, anyways in my defense I WAS in third place but then I had to go and do something for 20 minutes
TriangularFish |
Posted on 03-03-18, 02:10 pm in Newer Challenges!
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 53/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
Sounds pretty fun! Looks like it took quite a bit of effort and honestly reminds me quite of bit of all the SMO challenges that have sprung up. Will probably edit this reply soon since I will probably make a video on it.
TriangularFish |
Posted on 03-21-18, 12:40 pm in Another Super Mario Bros. 2
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 55/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
If you can't find the "thing", you are looking for, try to get the actual game and dump it with godmode9 like I do. Works fine all the time.
TriangularFish |
Posted on 05-13-20, 05:39 am in New Super Mario Bros. Again
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 57/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
I do NOT need much help proceeds to list off every primary position for a nsmbds hack team Dude, you gotta cover at least one of those positions yourself and show why anyone should care about your project. As it stands now, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone that would want to join your team. |
TriangularFish |
Posted on 06-07-20, 09:03 pm in Is there any hacking for Switch possible?
Red Paragoomba
aaaaaaaaa Karma: 125 Posts: 61/63 Since: 08-10-17 |
Nope, sorry. Unless you have some technical know-how to port NSMBU mods to the switch port, you won't be able to play them on switch. Furthermore, there's no way to play Wii games on the switch, however, you might eventually be able to.
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