List of Sound Sets

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get info from:

to Dirbaio, MartbooMartboo, Treeki, DiamondPhoenix,

They go from 00 to 38 (hex)

I think the SDAT file contains some sound set tables, maybe the game is using those straight from the ID as it does with the music. I need to investigate that, it'd probably make completing this list waaay easier.
It turns out that sound sets map directly to Groups, which in turn load different banks.

ThisThe list is not complete:
- There could be more sound sets
- Some sprites are not tested: Spiked balls, fences, moving green blocks, snowball thrower, pipe caterpillar guy, rising/lowering mushroom, create loop/wrong path in castle, cheep chomp and bosses

So here is the list. The number is the sound set and the enemies arebelow that is the sprites that work with that sound set.

(sounds that work in most of the sound sets)
Mario´s voice
Brick/? blocks
Activating a switch
Midway point sound
Red coin ring and red coins sound
Smashing something (like a mini goomba)
Entering in a door or a pipe
Hammer bro when throws a hammer/Boomerang bro when throws a boomerang
Expandable block
End of level flag sound

=== 00 ===
Piranhaentering/exiting pipe
walk/run on ground
walk/run on sand
walk/run on water
mario picking up stuff
about to groundpound
groundpound impact
shell hitting blocks
all enemy kill noises
wall jump
double and triple jump voices
outlined coins revealing
vine poping out
powerup poping out
taking powerups
breaking brick blocks
vine climbing
Mario dying
shooting fireballs
fireball impact
springboard boing
mini mushroom taken
mini mario jump
mini mario groundpound impact
coin falling on ground
giant mushroom poping out
giant mushroom taken
giant mario jump
giant mario walking
giant mario ground pound impact
giant mario timeout
smashing/destroying blocks
sliding on ground
sliding stop
hiding in blue shell
rolling in blue shell
activating red coin ring
red coin ring ticking noise
all red coin noises
item from reserve
activating switches
spining platform jump
spining mario WEE-HEE-HEE!!
spining mario groundpound
midway point
mario pipe cannon WOOOOHOOOO!
pipe canon shoot
pipe cannon move
star coins
star coins put in bottom screen
entering normal door
wrong path
right path
flagpole goes down
castle flag rise
giant piranha plant munchmunchmunch
water splash
mini mario water splash
swiming in water
piranha plant diing
hammer/boomerang brother's projectiles
Chain chomp
slipping on ice
swinging on vine and rope
chainchomp's chains
chainchomp's barks
liquid raise/lower
one way doors
sliding poles
boss door
mario about to fall off the walking rope
rotating carry through wall platform MOVING (not the switch noise)
purple tilt mushroom
rising/lowering mushroom
expand contract mushroom
underwater bounce ball
enemy hit with fireball
expandable blocks

=== 01 ===
Piranha plant
Bulet bill explosion
Bomb explosion
Boo laugh
Underwater sound (sprites 48,49,50,51,102)
Dry bones
Balloon boo (Reproduces Boo´s laugh too)
Scuttle bug
Star gate
Shooting spikes
Jumping ? block
Podoboo (fireball)
Falling snow + Snow Spike

You thought that this sound set was perfect? Read this:
*Most• Most of Mario´s sounds, springboard, red coin ring, water, activating a switch, coin, brick/? block, midway point, smashing a mini goomba, entering in a door, throwing a hammer and expandable block won´t work =(

=== 02 ===
Swelling tube
Bouncing mushroom

*The• The normal stomp sound, activating a switch, midway point, entering in a door, throwing hammer and expandable block won´t work

=== 03 ===
Only a few Mario sounds work

=== 04 ===
Just like 03

=== 05 ===
Piranha plant
Expand/contract mushroom

*Activating• Activating a switch, using a springboard (sprite 95) and entering in a door won´t work

=== 06 ===
Piranha plant
Bullet bill explosion
Bomb explosion

*Activating• Activating a switch, midway point, throwing a hammer, entering a door and expandable block won´t work

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Tight rope
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

*Midway• Midway poiny and entering in a door won´t work

Like 07 but the bomb sound, midway point and door/pipe work

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Dry bones
Tight rope
Shooting spikes
Podoboo (fireball)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom
green blocks

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Tight rope
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Similar to 0A but kab===omb (falling rocks) works!

Piranha plant
Boo laugh
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Balloon boo (Reproduces boo´s laugh too)
Tight rope
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

*Activating• Activating a switch won´t work

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Similar to 0E but tight rope works

Similar to 0E but tight rope and underwater sound work

Similar to 0E but tight rope and scuttle bug work

Just like 11

Just like 0F

Just like 0F

Just like 0F

Like 0F but the falling snow sound works

Just like 0F

Piranha plant
Bullet bill explosion
Bomb explosion
Chain chomp
Balloon boo (reproduces boo´s laugh too)
Tight rope
Star gate
Broozer (only if Ghost House music is chosen)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Bullet bill explosion
Bomb explosion
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

*Activating• Activating a switch and door won´t work

Piranha plant
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

*Activating• Activating a switch won´t work

Piranha plant
Wind sound (Used in tornado)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Wind sound (used in tornado)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Dry bones
Tight rope
Shooting spikes
Podoboo (fireball)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Dry bones
Tight rope
Shooting spikes
Podoboo (fireball)
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

Piranha plant
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

*Activating• Activating a switch won´t work

Piranha plant
Chain chomp
Scale platform
Tight rope
Expand/contract mushroom
Bouncing mushroom

=== 2B ===