Pages: 1
Posted on 07-07-11, 10:54 am, deleted
Posted on 01-13-12, 12:26 am (rev. 7 by  Dirbaio on 12-24-12, 12:44 pm)
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 915/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Use this subforum to post ONLY threads about:
  • NSMB Editor Bugs
  • NSMB Editor Suggestions
Anything else should go into NSMB Editor support.

When you post a new thread, please do the following:
  • Add a tag to your thread title:
    • [bug] for bug reports
    • [suggestion] for suggestions

  • Describe the bug/suggestion as well as you can.
  • Post screenshots if needed.
  • If you get an exception/error message from NSMBe, COPY-PASTE IT, including the text under "Details"!!
  • Please say what version (build number) are you using.
  • DON'T make threads for multiple bugs/suggestions. One thread = One bug/suggestion.
Thank you for your collaboration! Following these rules will make it easier for everyone
Posted on 10-06-19, 01:13 am
Red Koopa
Do you know da wea?

Karma: 75
Posts: 8/130
Since: 08-01-19
maybe you should do a 2 tile set thing like in one level underground and desert tile set in the new version
Pages: 1