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Posted on 05-28-12, 07:13 pm (rev. 4 by  gridatttack on 07-24-13, 05:01 am)
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1535/2722
Since: 06-26-11
#1 Don't do anything that doesn't make sense.
Don't do anything that doesn't make sense. Meaning, Don't make someone have to backtrack a far way just in order to a complete the level normally. Don't make someone have to kill themselves because they did a certain part wrong or forgot something. And use the coins to make a safe path through the stage, don't make them lead off cliffs or anywhere unsafe.

#2 Kaizo Stuff
Just.....Nobody needs to see that guys, at all. A. Because Kaizo is nowhere near fun in NSMBWii anyway B. It will always turn out ugly, I guarantee so.

#3 Challenging/Fun > Difficult.
Don't make 1 block jumps, because I don't think anyone has ever found those fun. Adding Enemies at every corner doesn't make a level make a level challenging or fun, just the player trying to figure out how to get over that mess.

#4 Levels can't cause lag.
If a level causes any lag to the game at a certain spot, fix that problem up. A perfect example of this issue is too much 3D models at once.

#5 Timer.
If your level is going to be large, it'll be wise to adjust the time limit to reduce the pressure on people playing the level. For very short levels, 300 seconds works, but for the longer levels, especially ones that use auto-scroll controllers, setting the timer to a larger number is heavily recommended. A good value is the double of what it takes you to complete the level.

#6 Sprite usage.
Learn how to use each sprite properly. Do not use the unused sprites, unless they're capable of working in-game; Ex.: Spinning log is an unused sprite, but it works in-game.

#7 No Sprite spam.
Don't spam your level with Sprites/Enemies. It looks just bad and will also slow down the game.

#8 Areas.
Make sure that different areas make sense. Not something like:
1st area: desert
2nd area: forest
(Note: this can be used depending on how you edit and link the areas, so they will be related)

#9 Use a lot of decoration.
While not possible with all tilesets, try to place a lot of flowers or rocks. If there's no such tiles, you can always place a bush or a sign. This helps the overall look of your level.

#10 Coins.
Don't place coins somewhere impossible to get. Also don't create a path leading to a hole. Coins are usually there, to show the Player one or more right ways to get safely trough the level.

I posted only 10, I would know much more but I want the Community to fill these Rules. So go and post! (Some rules taken from RVLution)
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
If you want to support me, you might check out my Patreon Page : )
Posted on 05-28-12, 08:12 pm
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10542
Posts: 332/2780
Since: 06-26-11
You should adjust those a bit, as most of this appears to be a straight copypasta from Riivolution. Some of the things that apply to NSMBWii don't apply to NSMBDS (namely that Spinning log sprite).

I'm also tempted to make another rule. Next person who releases a 'New Super Mario Bros. N' hack gets banned. Or well, not that strict, we're not Jul, but the general lack of originality around here is tiring.
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-28-12, 09:56 pm
Roy Koopa

Karma: 4011
Posts: 1536/2722
Since: 06-26-11
The spinning log is from NSMB DS... I edited it because it was another NSMBwii enemy before (The log is brown with a green circle in the middle )
See a lots of creative DS Hacking here
If you want to support me, you might check out my Patreon Page : )
Posted on 05-29-12, 07:22 am
All aboard the RandomTests train!

Karma: 789
Posts: 17/352
Since: 05-01-12
Note that I haven't played any NSMB hack... I haven't even played NSMB, but I'm going to put few hints anyways.
  • Avoid placing powerups in dangerous places. They aren't goal themselves.
  • Don't make player just wait.
  • Don't make too long levels. You can only have one midway point (unless I have mistaken something), levels which take 10 minutes are definitely too long.
  • Don't place secret exit just near normal exit.
  • Look at things from player point of view. He doesn't have NSMB editor which shows everything.
  • Test levels as all forms of Mario.
  • Don't make long, flat areas.
  • Be careful about placement of 1UPs, if you will place them near the beginning, players can START+SELECT out (not sure, does NSMB allows you to leave level after beating it?)

But as I've said, I haven't hacked NSMB, so those hints are very generic.
Posted on 05-29-12, 09:14 am
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 1772/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Posted by GlitchMr
Be careful about placement of 1UPs, if you will place them near the beginning, players can START+SELECT out (not sure, does NSMB allows you to leave level after beating it?)

Well, in NSMB you can exit a level anytime when you've beaten it, but anything you've collected is reverted, so it's not a problem.
The problem happens when a level has multiple 1-ups. You can grab 2 or more, suicide, repeat. But NSMB itself has these tricks: it's possible to get 5-up in 1-1 using the mega-mushroom...
Posted on 05-29-12, 05:37 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 1197/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by GlitchMr
Be careful about placement of 1UPs if you will place them near the beginning

I don't like this either. If the level is hard, you can just grab that 1-UP. ---> Unlimited tries for this level.
Posted on 05-30-12, 02:48 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 167/393
Since: 08-28-11
Here're something I think about the level

1. If you make time-limited challenges or trap, tell the player, or at least place a warning sign, unexpected fail makes player angry.

2. Don't make star coin on the road, this's not mean you should always make bonusroom, but don't make it too easy.

3. A large, complex code shouldn't be used in main route. And do not use them to block the road.

Btw, can someone give advice about infinite pipe choosing maze?
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 05-30-12, 02:51 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1386
Posts: 412/950
Since: 11-13-11
Posted by Mega-Mario
I'm also tempted to make another rule. Next person who releases a 'New Super Mario Bros. N' hack gets banned.

Do you mean the title name that goes with that pattern, like NSMB 8,9,10 something like that?

I'm thinking of introducing my hack, which I has its own title. Is it OK? Now I'm waiting for finishing a proper beta...


Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 05-30-12, 03:45 pm

Karma: 3767
Posts: 1200/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Yes it is OK. He just does not like lack of originality.

Posted by Mega-Mario
I'm also tempted to make another rule. Next person who releases a 'New Super Mario Bros. N' hack gets banned.

LOL, so you are the next one.
Posted on 05-31-12, 09:32 am (rev. 2 by unknown object on 06-25-12, 08:56 am)
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 168/393
Since: 08-28-11
1. the hack shouldn't be similar to the original one.
For example, don't let new 2-3 seems similar to the original one.
Although that tileset is annoying.

2.make things within new stuff.
Note that we figured out so many things, likes 3D models, music hack, .epng files, title screen, sprite graphic...maybe some of them are hard to do, but you can always make some new stuff, like tilesets, 2D models, they aren't hard to edit. This way your hacks might be a unique hack. Also, make sure the game still like a Mario game.

NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 05-31-12, 11:25 am
☭ coffee and cream

Karma: 10542
Posts: 337/2780
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by NsmB_PrO
Yes it is OK. He just does not like lack of originality.

Posted by Mega-Mario
I'm also tempted to make another rule. Next person who releases a 'New Super Mario Bros. N' hack gets banned.

LOL, so you are the next one.

Did you try clicking that link before talking?
Kuribo64 - RH-fucking-cafe - Kafuka

Posted on 05-31-12, 02:03 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 169/393
Since: 08-28-11
I think he is just kidding, don't mind it.

NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 06-23-12, 02:27 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 49/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by unknown object
1. the hack shouldn't be similar to the original one.
For example, don't let new 2-3 seems similar to the original one.
Although that tileset is annoying.

2. Change as much as you can.
Note that we figured out so many things, likes 3D models, music hack, .epng files, title screen, sprite graphic...
You can at least change tilesets, 2D model isn't hard to edit, .

3.make things within new stuff.
Like...autumn grassland, choco-island, city, giant/mini level, lava snow land... Make your hack special.(uh... Those thing I said is not new stuff anymore, many people use them )

I disagree with this
What is the point of stuffing in as much as you can?
Posted on 06-23-12, 03:03 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 187/393
Since: 08-28-11
Lol, I didn't make it completed.(I didn't have much time then, and I forgot to edit.)
I meant that for now we can edit many things, so make some changes with those thing will let your hacks being like "not only new level"
And also I made a wrong subtitle, I will change it.
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 06-24-12, 12:34 pm

Karma: 2789
Posts: 50/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by unknown object
Lol, I didn't make it completed.(I didn't have much time then, and I forgot to edit.)
I meant that for now we can edit many things, so make some changes with those thing will let your hacks being like "not only new level"
And also I made a wrong subtitle, I will change it.

Yeah its OK to occasional put some 'new' thing in.
If it fits in with the NSMB feel.
Posted on 07-04-12, 12:24 pm, deleted by  Dirbaio
Posted on 07-04-12, 02:04 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 208/393
Since: 08-28-11
WTH are you talkin about?
First, this is not a suggestion or rule.
Second, your post doesn't make sense, I bet most people can't understand it.
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 07-04-12, 04:20 pm (rev. 3 by  Hiccup on 07-04-12, 04:25 pm)

Karma: 2789
Posts: 70/2091
Since: 06-26-11
Posted by rodit14227
but what if you wanted to make blue coins so the player could get 1-ups

Are you replying to someone else's post? If you are replying to someone you should click the quote button beside the post. Your post would make more sense if you put it in context.
Posted on 07-05-12, 11:10 am

Karma: -137
Posts: 7/25
Since: 05-17-12
another Rule that I see alot of people not follow don't make world 1 to difficullt or I would not like your hack
Posted on 07-06-12, 12:58 am (rev. 1 by unknown object on 07-06-12, 01:13 am)
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 215/393
Since: 08-28-11
Lol, now I can't understand both of your post now.
Posted by rodit14227
what if you wanted to make blue coins so the player could get 1-ups

Blue coin also count to the 100-coin reward system, so I don't know what're you saying.

About the second post,
Posted by rodit14227
another Rule that I see alot of people not follow don't make world 1 to difficullt or I would not like your hack

I rly can't understand it.
Are there some typing wrong? I try to realize it like this:

another Rule that I see alot of people don't follow:
don't make world 1 too difficult or I would not like your hack

am I right or wrong?

Also, if this is going to be a rule, you should use "people" instead of "I".
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Pages: 123 »