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Posted on 02-28-12, 01:51 pm
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 59/393
Since: 08-28-11
My suggestion is mark hard-coded tile in the tileset.
Y'know when you edit them, they corrupt.
Mark it, then we can avoid them.
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 02-28-12, 01:58 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 956/2112
Since: 06-28-11
Yup that would be a nice little implement.
Also: Please give your title the tag [suggestion] or [request]
Posted on 02-28-12, 02:17 pm (rev. 1)
Buzzy Beetle
I am UO, not UFO.

Karma: 314
Posts: 60/393
Since: 08-28-11
Oops, I forgot. Sorry this is my first suggestion
Btw, can I add the tag?
I don't see an option that says I can change it.
Edit: ......I dunno I can just add[]
NSMB6: Beta Testers Wanted!!!
Posted on 02-28-12, 02:21 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 958/2112
Since: 06-28-11
There is a button called "Edit" at the right of the title to edit it... I think
Posted on 02-28-12, 08:12 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 1512/4458
Since: 06-08-11
If someone makes a list of which tiles have hard-coded animations or something, it can defintely be implemented

Though I think some animations are based on the Map16 tiles and others are based on the graphic (ncg) tiles?
(I don't know much about animations...)
Posted on 02-29-12, 12:50 pm
Fuzz Ball
KirbyFanatic64 (LOL)

Karma: 1361
Posts: 236/950
Since: 11-13-11
Do tiles in jyotyu tileset are called hard-coded tiles too?

Great games must be fun, not fancy.

Music Hacker needed! PM me if you wish!
Posted on 02-29-12, 02:30 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10026
Posts: 1515/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Many of them are. All the animated coins and blocks, the pipes and the semitransparent water are. I think the animations are based on 8x8 tile numbers, and the pipes and water are based on Map16 tile numbers...
Posted on 02-29-12, 03:52 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 960/2112
Since: 06-28-11
In my Nyan Cat hack I use the semi transparent water, too. But there it is not transparent at all...
I really have no idea why. I wish I could have that for NSHB, too...
Pages: 1