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Posted on 01-27-25, 10:44 am

Karma: 34
Posts: 31/36
Since: 12-28-23
This is my new hack! My two old hacks are canceled but this one is gonna be success!

New features:
Airships are replacing towers
New tilesets and backgrounds
Fun levels to play
Nice level design

Special thanks to Staryu Trek for some level design
Download here!
Posted on 01-27-25, 03:16 pm (rev. 4 by  Staryu Trek on 01-31-25, 07:31 pm)
Red Paratroopa
Working on New Super Mario Bros.: Blasting off Again!

Karma: 236
Posts: 152/160
Since: 08-24-24
Posted by Snoopy
Special thanks to Staryu Trek for some level design
Yeah, I made W1-2 in this hack. Hope I can make some levels for the other worlds too. I will download the beta and play it on my 3DS tomorrow!

EDIT: Played through your hack as much as I could. Here are some bugs and other issues I found, along with things I liked:

Nice use of Donut Blocks!

Issues: when the 2D water actor (the water with the warp to the bonus room with the third Star Coin) loads on-screen, it makes the pipes turn transparent. Nothing major though.
In the bonus room with the third Star Coin, it's a little unclear where the exit is, to the point I tried sinking into the depths below (R.I.P. Mario, cost me a life ). Maybe just put the exit in a warp pipe?

bEsT lEvEl oF aLl nSmB hAx No issues I could find

Issue: Star Coins 2 and 3 are unobtainable. This is because you forgot to set the IDs of the Star Coins, so they all act as Star Coin 1 (default). Really fun though!

Issues: It could've benefited from enabling vertical scrolling in the view settings. There's some stuff offscreen that should probably have been on-screen...

Very fun level. Lots of Goombas near the end to stomp! The Bowser Jr. fight could've been more challenging, though. Like, you could add a Bullet Bill Blaster to the arena.

W1-4 was really very fun, the best level!

Issues: The background is corrupted. The moving clouds look like yellow and green lines.
Make it harder for Mega Mario to reach the P-Switch. After all, bricks break under his weight, sending our plumber plummeting to his death. You could make the area before the P-Switch longer or require Mario to go through a passage with a ceiling low enough that Mega Mario can't get through.

I really liked it that you land on a Koopa after firing from the Cannon Pipe, bouncing off it. It's probably not intentional, but it's a nice touch.

Issues: it's... uncompletable! Mario jumps off the flagpole into the pit, but he doesn't even die, softlocking the game. Luckily you can soft-reset with (L)+(R)+(Start)+(Select). You should extend the mushroom platform with the end castle on it more to the left, so Mario lands on it. BTW, are the !-Switches supposed to be timed? Because they weren't.

I like trains Chomps, so I like this level! (Nevermind, I goofed. Chomps are in W1-5. But W1-A has fast rickshaw platforms put to good use!)

Issues: Invisible water, lolwut?
If you die after hitting the checkpoint, you respawn in an unused area of W1-A that's still vanilla.

Ehm... yeah... it eh... crashed the game. Yeah. Don't worry, it might be an actor from the original level you forgot to delete, that isn't in the actor banks for your level.

Aside from the softlock and the crash, this hack has really good level design! Especially W1-2
Posted on 01-29-25, 09:32 am
what the hell

Karma: 492
Posts: 356/356
Since: 11-07-22
hell yeah this looks cool
gonna play it in a bit

This text may or may not be centered...

Posted on 02-02-25, 07:45 pm (rev. 1 by  Snoopy on 02-03-25, 08:21 pm)

Karma: 34
Posts: 35/36
Since: 12-28-23
New Update! With brand new world, Green Hill Zone!

Btw W2 2 Still isnt finished yet.
Finished levels are
W2 1
W2 3
W2 4
W2 Airship
Posted on 02-05-25, 08:49 pm (rev. 2 by  Staryu Trek on 02-05-25, 09:31 pm)
Red Paratroopa
Working on New Super Mario Bros.: Blasting off Again!

Karma: 236
Posts: 158/160
Since: 08-24-24
Okay, so I played through World 1 (I couldn't get further) of this new version, and it has improved compared to v1 - you paid attention to my bug/issue reports and fixed most issues. There are still issues, though:

 In the underwater bonus room, the way to exit, is still unclear. Could you please place a line of coins going upwards in the top-right corner of the room, so the player knows where to go?
 The Hammer Bro. jumps into the pit every time.
 I can't find Star Coins 2 and 3. Or am I just stupid?
 Four Bill Blasters in the arena is maybe a bit too much for World 1. It's better to reduce the amount to two. At least you can get 4+ 1-Ups from the four Blasters and the Bullet Bills.
 The clouds in the secret exit area have corrupted graphics.
 Nothing really, except the fact the floating landmasses look a bit off, because they don't have bottom tiles at the bottom, unlike the ceiling of the tunnel you need a shell/Blue Shell to go through in W1-1.
 Mega Mario can still reach the P-Switch past the checkpoint. Could you add an unbreakable pipe coming from the top of the screen that blocks off Mega Mario's path to the P-Switch?
 The !-Switches aren't timed, so the red blocks stay solid forever.
 Lol, still the invisible water. SM64 had invisible walls, NSMW:TNJ has invisible water.
 I still spawn in a vanilla area upon triggering the checkpoint, dying and returning to the level. Upon going through the warp pipe at the end, I end up in what looks like the start of W1-A, except one of the Star Coins is Star Coin 2, even though before I triggered the checkpoint, I already collected the same Star Coin, and it was Star Coin 3. So there are either duplicate areas or this is something weirder.
 The flagpole is one tile too high - this doesn't cause any problems; it just looks off.
 Still crashes. I will PM Keeper, maybe he knows the problem here; I quickly glanced at the level in the editor, but didn't see anything that could cause the crash, but Keeps is more 1337 in NSMB hacking than I am, so maybe he can find the problem.

EDIT: Keeps says the starting area might be missing a view, and that that causes the crash.

Oh yeah, and W1-2 W1-4 is still my fave!
Posted on 02-05-25, 10:38 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1060
Posts: 369/370
Since: 08-07-17
tested this. was on the lookout for bugs so i wont give any personal opinions for now n i wont mention anything staryu has already mentioned unless i have something to add

- some progress paths seem nonfunctional. think you need to set the progress path id in the view
- the water tiles keep making the pipe tiles semitransparent
- the camera in 1-1 area 2 makes it hard to tell where to go. maybe enable vertical scrolling
- the slopes lack edge tiles at the top of them
- the walljump thing for 1-2 starcoin 1 doesnt seem to work (or at least as super mario) as you wont go through the doors
- 1-2 lacks the soundset for whomps
- the airship only has 1 star coin
- the airship secret exit pipe has extraneous entrances— the original game usually adds these to pipes megamario can flatten a little so you can still enter them, but theyre not really needed for unbreakable pipes
- breaking the brick blocks to access the secret exit for the airship leaves an awkward gap in the background tiles
- the bitmap for the grasslands cliff top bg isnt the right dimesions
- beating bowser jr doesnt play the fanfare i dont think?
- the 3rd starcoin in 1-5 has its star coin number set wrong
- the opacity for the water in 1-a is set to 0 and thusly invisible
- the rocky grasslands tileset doesnt account for the randomization in the slot its in

other stuff i didnt get to personally test
- the green hills tileset keeps messing up the backgrounds. use a tileset slot other than 7 or 31
- since tileset slot 39 is called "weird" im guessing it wasnt working right and im guessing that was due to the tile animations that slot has (for the conveyor belts
- i feel like the slopes in the grassland tileset (0) wont work. probs set the bottom control tiles for both to 85 instead of 80

that all being said, i hope none of this critique is discouraging— its always good to see new hacks being made. good luck with development
Posted on 02-06-25, 07:25 am
Red Paratroopa
Working on New Super Mario Bros.: Blasting off Again!

Karma: 236
Posts: 159/160
Since: 08-24-24
Posted by Keeper
- some progress paths seem nonfunctional. think you need to set the progress path id in the view
Noticed this too, but I kept forgetting it because who looks at that progress bar?
- the water tiles keep making the pipe tiles semitransparent
I did mention that though.
- the walljump thing for 1-2 starcoin 1 doesnt seem to work (or at least as super mario) as you wont go through the doors
Noticed that. You can kinda cheese it. I should've placed double Flippers, I'll do so tomorrow and send Snoop an updated NML.
- 1-2 lacks the soundset for whomps
Myeah, any way to fix that without changing the music?
- the airship only has 1 star coin
I knew it, lol!
- beating bowser jr doesnt play the fanfare i dont think?
On my playthroughs neither, so yeah, that's consistent.
- the opacity for the water in 1-a is set to 0 and thusly invisible
Yeah, that's the invisible water I mentioned.
Posted on 02-06-25, 08:45 am
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1060
Posts: 370/370
Since: 08-07-17
Posted by Staryu Trek
Posted by Keeper
- 1-2 lacks the soundset for whomps
Myeah, any way to fix that without changing the music?
the soundset is different from the music; you can change it by going to the level options from the palette tab. this is a good list of what actors need which soundsets. since whomps are in group five, youd need to use a soundset with group five--- 9 would probs work
Posted on 02-06-25, 11:53 am
Red Paratroopa
Working on New Super Mario Bros.: Blasting off Again!

Karma: 236
Posts: 160/160
Since: 08-24-24
Thanks! I didn't know this.
Pages: 1