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Posted on 11-17-24, 09:39 pm (rev. 1 by  Keeper on 11-28-24, 09:00 pm)
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1037
Posts: 364/366
Since: 08-07-17
A simple tutorial for replacing the blue coins placed by TileGod with normal yellow coins. This will not affect normal p-switch coins. (EDIT: will affect those star activated blue coins tho i think. would need to test to be sure)

1. Open the jyotyu tileset in NSMBe's tileset editor.

2. Go to the map16 tab.

3. Select the palette tool and highlight this seemingly empty area with it.

It will become a yellow coin.

This tile is the one used for the blue coin TileGod places.

4. Change the tile behaviour of the tile to that of a normal coin.

This will make it so that, when collected, the coin will show yellow sparkles instead of blue ones.

5. As always, save.
Posted on 11-28-24, 05:22 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 2786/2788
Since: 01-17-13
I might add that you can undo this by hex editing the tileset. NSMBe's support for the blue coin palette in Jyotyu is virtually nonexistent.

You can exploit the presence of the blue coin palette to have one more palette in jyotyu. It's mostly empty, too, so it's really up for grabs.
Posted on 11-28-24, 08:54 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 1037
Posts: 366/366
Since: 08-07-17
true, tho i think temporarily adding 14 more palettes to the jyotyu tileset would be easier than hex editing the tilemap (if thats whatcha mean). could also use an earlier version of nsmbe (back when the tilemap editor had a control byte setting)
Pages: 1