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FrenchGuy |
Posted on 03-04-24, 08:05 am
Karma: 9 Posts: 9/19 Since: 02-13-24 |
hey! i was wondering how to "create" a tileset instead of replacing one
crook |
Posted on 03-04-24, 09:13 am (rev. 1 by crook on 03-04-24, 09:13 am)
CAR CRASH, GLASS SHATTERING, GOOD LORD Karma: 409 Posts: 303/341 Since: 11-07-22 |
use or gimp, and draw your tiles import them.. This should help
This text may or may not be centered... I'm working on a rom hack with Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go Cool website |
Keeper |
Posted on 03-04-24, 01:47 pm
I do things sometimes Karma: 983 Posts: 313/361 Since: 08-07-17 |
youll either have to replace a preexisting tileset with the one you made or use a code hack. if you wanna keep the tilesets from the original game, you can always replace the unused tilesets or merge tilesets to free up slots (such as the toad house tilesets)
Pages: 1