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balvare |
Posted on 02-26-24, 07:06 am
Karma: 7 Posts: 1/2 Since: 02-26-24 |
after i imported my 512x512 png and playtested it the background glitched and the animated flags were waving in the wrong places, how do i fix this?
crook |
Posted on 02-26-24, 09:31 am (rev. 2 by crook on 02-26-24, 09:33 am)
CAR CRASH, GLASS SHATTERING, GOOD LORD Karma: 409 Posts: 246/341 Since: 11-07-22 |
Glitched tiles, either disable the animations or make sure to put flag tiles in the right place, since the tiles for the original background are animated, you need to make sure to place the flags you want animated over the animated tiles. the animated ones in question are whichever ones originally had the flag in your palette, i recommend simply disabling animations for peachs castle then importing your background, OR just import the same bg over a slot with no animations
so yeah, picking a different slot is probably your best choice rght now This text may or may not be centered... I'm working on a rom hack with Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go Cool website |
balvare |
Posted on 02-26-24, 09:37 am
Karma: 7 Posts: 2/2 Since: 02-26-24 |
idk how to disable animations, and putting it in a different slot would mean the whole background is gonna repeat throughout the level, with peach's castle only the left half repeats.
crook |
Posted on 02-26-24, 10:04 am
CAR CRASH, GLASS SHATTERING, GOOD LORD Karma: 409 Posts: 247/341 Since: 11-07-22 |
Unfortunately. Try a guide and hex workshop, i found something related to disabling backgrounds somehwere here before
This text may or may not be centered... I'm working on a rom hack with Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go Cool website |
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