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Posted on 12-25-23, 06:33 pm
I like goombas they're so :3 and killable

Karma: 402
Posts: 132/337
Since: 11-07-22
I've been trying to get NSMBe working on an aarch64 device running Fedora, but every time I try to compile it from source, it returns a dotnet related error about .net 4.8. There's no way for me to get .net 4.8 running on this so instead i decided to try and compile wine from source then run it on box64, which didnt work either, so my only option was to use mono, but it didn't work either. I'm not going to use a windows virtual machine since it sucks, and the github simply says that mono is a dependency, not saying how to compile it. Could someone tell me what I'm supposed to do? Another thread said to simply run the normal NSMBe on mono, but that of course returned an error message.

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I'm working on a rom hack with Digital Cheese, Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go
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Posted on 12-29-23, 05:02 pm (rev. 1 by  Rph on 12-29-23, 05:04 pm)
Don't click here

Karma: 233
Posts: 139/286
Since: 03-12-23
Try installing the Wine flatpak installer from and do the command
flatpak install --user {flatpak name}
in the folder where the flatpak is.

I was in the same situation without the possibility to install mono, bit I see it's installed when you install the Wine flatpak, I think your problem could be solved. That's what I did, I don't see why it should not work for you.

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Posted on 01-01-24, 12:11 pm (rev. 3 by  crook on 01-01-24, 12:13 pm)
I like goombas they're so :3 and killable

Karma: 402
Posts: 137/337
Since: 11-07-22
Well, how would that work? If the wine flatpak is for aarch64 it wouldn’t be able to run x64 apps anyways, and acquiring and installing the x64 flatpak would return an error. And if I were to force the install, where would the executable even be? Is there a —force arg?

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I'm working on a rom hack with Digital Cheese, Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go
here to download the work in progress patch, or go
here to contribute.

Cool website
Posted on 01-01-24, 04:58 pm
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Karma: 233
Posts: 140/286
Since: 03-12-23
Uh... I don't know, it worked for me, but I use x86_64 apps.

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Posted on 01-03-24, 03:47 pm
I like goombas they're so :3 and killable

Karma: 402
Posts: 140/337
Since: 11-07-22
Is your system aarch64 or x86_64?

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I'm working on a rom hack with Digital Cheese, Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go
here to download the work in progress patch, or go
here to contribute.

Cool website
Posted on 01-04-24, 03:44 pm (rev. 1 by  Rph on 01-04-24, 03:45 pm)
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Karma: 233
Posts: 145/286
Since: 03-12-23
x86_64 I think

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Posted on 01-04-24, 10:09 pm
I like goombas they're so :3 and killable

Karma: 402
Posts: 141/337
Since: 11-07-22
Ah, makes sense. Doesn’t really solve my problem. I just resorted to using a windows virtual machine anyways

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I'm working on a rom hack with Digital Cheese, Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go
here to download the work in progress patch, or go
here to contribute.

Cool website
Posted on 01-05-24, 08:00 pm
Don't click here

Karma: 233
Posts: 152/286
Since: 03-12-23
It's also a solution.

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Pages: 1