Pages: 1
Posted on 12-08-23, 02:39 pm (rev. 2 by  RetroAleXD on 01-12-24, 01:04 pm)
Red Goomba

Karma: 59
Posts: 13/42
Since: 11-02-23

Description: Super Mario and the World of Shadows is a Hack in Black and White.
More Description will be added later...


a small gameplay:

Demo: Download

Fun Fact: This hack is inspired by the Level: Springs in the Twilight Forest from SMB Wonder

This hack is cancelled
Posted by RetroAleXD
Update: the full hack is cancelled...

I thought it would be easy to make a hack in Black and White... But its not...
My Eyes hurt when i edit the Level or Titleset.
I am also out of ideas and don't know what should come next.
I have made a new Demo it's the same but with some custom music. (I made them in Nitro Studio by switching the Bank ID)
I'm Sorry...

Posted on 01-02-24, 11:15 am
Don't click here

Karma: 233
Posts: 142/286
Since: 03-12-23
I tried this hack and here is my review:

The idea is nice (a hack in black and white), maybe more gray in the backgrounds?

I think the level design isn't so good, sorry. It should be better, more beacause you can't do really something different of grassland levels.

The death blocks in 1-Tower look too many like mushrooms, and in 1-4 you can be softlocked on the mega mushroom zone. I belive that's why you put this interesting camera?

Also, the red block aren't here anymore.

But this hack is really a good hack, I +1 this post!

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Posted on 01-02-24, 03:39 pm
Red Goomba

Karma: 59
Posts: 14/42
Since: 11-02-23
Posted by Rph
I tried this hack and here is my review:

The idea is nice (a hack in black and white), maybe more gray in the backgrounds?

I think the level design isn't so good, sorry. It should be better, more beacause you can't do really something different of grassland levels.

The death blocks in 1-Tower look too many like mushrooms, and in 1-4 you can be softlocked on the mega mushroom zone. I belive that's why you put this interesting camera?

Also, the red block aren't here anymore.

But this hack is really a good hack, I +1 this post!

Thank you for your review! Im going to answer some stuff.

In the full Version (or maybe the other 2 Demo) for the other levles in world 1 wont be just a grassland levle.
I used the Grassland Tileset because my eyes Hurt sometimes while i edit the other Titlest.

The death blocks were hard to make so thats why they look like mushrooms.
The problem in 1-4 was not expected. The Camera was just there and i could not move it.

I dont know what Red Blocks are can you explain to me what the Red Blocks are?

And also Thanks for the +1! I did not know you could give a rating.

Posted on 01-05-24, 09:30 am
Don't click here

Karma: 233
Posts: 146/286
Since: 03-12-23
Posted by RetroAleXD
Thank you for your review! Im going to answer some stuff.

[...]The death blocks were hard to make so thats why they look like mushrooms.

You can use Newer Team's death block in the final castle (or just a basic one, maybe) tileset.

Posted by RetroAleXD
The problem in 1-4 was not expected.

I looked at it, I think it's due to the sprite 280 in the top of this section.

Posted by RetroAleXD
I dont know what Red Blocks are can you explain to me what the Red Blocks are?

I was talking about the flying block wich goes on the map and gives you powerups.

Posted by RetroAleXD
And also Thanks for the +1! I did not know you could give a rating.

No problem! Sharing hacks is done for that, no?

I'm making New Mini Super Mario Bros. as member of the Nitro Team (with  crook,  Digital Cheese,  RetroAleXD and  Mr. Ztardust). You can download the patch here or contribute.
Posted on 01-08-24, 05:21 pm
Red Goomba

Karma: 59
Posts: 15/42
Since: 11-02-23
Posted by Rph
You can use Newer Team's death block in the final castle (or just a basic one, maybe) tileset.

No thanks i want it to be original. Can we just use a titleset without the Newer Team's permission?

Posted by Rph
I looked at it, I think it's due to the sprite 280 in the top of this section.

I just saw it and deleted it but the camera was still there... I moved it next to the pipe and the camera was still there!
I'm confused and don't know what to do. So the camera will stay there for a while...

Posted by Rph
I was talking about the flying block wich goes on the map and gives you powerups.

Ohhh... Now i understand. Well i deleted evrey single one.
I don't know how to delete them from the map but i don't want the Red flying ?-block's in my hack.

Posted on 01-12-24, 01:02 pm (rev. 1 by  RetroAleXD on 01-12-24, 01:12 pm)
Red Goomba

Karma: 59
Posts: 16/42
Since: 11-02-23
Update: the full hack is cancelled... I'm Sorry...

I thought it would be easy to make a hack in Black and White... But its not...
My Eyes hurt when i edit the Level or Titleset.
I am also out of ideas and don't know what should come next.
I have made a new Demo it's the same but with some custom music. (I made them in Nitro Studio by switching the Bank ID)

Pages: 1