Pages: 1
Posted on 08-01-23, 12:34 am

Karma: -2
Posts: 55/71
Since: 08-24-20
Hi!! I would like to know if it is possible to remove the World 2 and 5 sign which tells you if you go to World 3,4 or World 6,7. I mean the one at the end of the boss fights in the castles. I changed the order of the world unlock and now it's just silly to have them. Does anyone know by any chance how could I remove them?? Thank you!!!
Posted on 08-04-23, 10:20 pm

Karma: -2
Posts: 56/71
Since: 08-24-20
Update: I tried to look for it while editing the level in the NSMBe, but it doesn't appear as a tileset piece or sprite, how can I remove it?? Thank you!
Posted on 08-13-23, 09:37 pm

Karma: -2
Posts: 58/71
Since: 08-24-20
Please does anyone know?
Posted on 08-13-23, 09:45 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 983
Posts: 272/361
Since: 08-07-17
this is sorta a hacky solution, but since it doesnt seem to be a sprite or anything maybe you could make the model for it invisible and make the sound effect for it silent?
Posted on 08-14-23, 07:24 pm

Karma: -2
Posts: 59/71
Since: 08-24-20
that's a good idea! you know what the model is called???
Posted on 08-14-23, 08:11 pm
I do things sometimes

Karma: 983
Posts: 273/361
Since: 08-07-17
w3_sign.nsbmd and w6_sign.nsbmd i believe. dunno anything about the sound effects tho
Posted on 08-15-23, 11:48 am

Karma: -2
Posts: 60/71
Since: 08-24-20
that's great thank you so much!
Pages: 1