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Posted on 12-01-11, 02:53 am
Buzzy Beetle
Just watching...

Karma: 498
Posts: 34/386
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Dirbaio
Apparently it works. In the ROM header there's a byte that specifies the ROM chipsize, but most flashcards appear to ignore it and just load the whole ROM.

But, as Piranhaplant says, 60 MB is getting ridiculous =D
My guess as to why is this happening is that the ROM filesystem gets fragmented, with a lot of little areas of free space which can't be used to put the larger files... Damn, we might need a ROM defragmenter! Something that puts all the files to the beginning of the ROM, one right after another, so that free space is one big blob again...

Could someone that has got such a big ROM go to Tools and then click the "Dump ROM map" button.
That'll create a text file containing all the positions and sizes of files, so that we can see what's wrong in the filesystem
Please post it somewhere

mine is 60MB so here you go:

Posted on 12-01-11, 03:15 am
Full mod

Karma: 1183
Posts: 321/785
Since: 06-28-11
It looks like your post is overflowing the post size limit. You should upload the text somewhere like Pastebin so we can see the whole thing.
Posted on 12-01-11, 03:22 am
Buzzy Beetle
Just watching...

Karma: 498
Posts: 35/386
Since: 07-01-11
Posted by Piranhaplant
It looks like your post is overflowing the post size limit. You should upload the text somewhere like Pastebin so we can see the whole thing.
Posted on 12-01-11, 08:02 pm

Karma: 4
Posts: 7/8
Since: 06-28-11
What editor revision are you using? What region ROM? Can you take a clean ROM of the same region, make an xDelta or PPF patch, and upload it and dump it here for someone to examine?
Posted on 12-01-11, 10:27 pm (rev. 1)
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10081
Posts: 1230/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Posted by Jceggbert5
What editor revision are you using? What region ROM? Can you take a clean ROM of the same region, make an xDelta or PPF patch, and upload it and dump it here for someone to examine?

That can be seen from the ROM map dump, it's the U version.
There's no point in posting a patch, the problems are with the ROM layout and not with the file contents themselves.

I'm looking as to why is this happening now, there seems to be something broken on how NSMBe allocates files


Fixed now in r297! Turns out there were some bugs on the filesystem handling...
For those of you with huge ROM's, I recommend you export a NMP patch of it, and apply it to a clean ROM and continue working from there. You'll get a reasonably-sized ROM with the same contents as the big rom

As always, KEEP A BACKUP of everything in case it goes wrong.
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