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Posted on 11-11-18, 06:35 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
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Since: 11-25-17
Big Blue - Ocean Road is the last course in the first Cup of the Neo League and is characterized by the tunnel which leads through the sea of Big Blue, as well as the Big Tower that Big Blue is known for since F-Zero GX


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Posted on 11-13-18, 12:39 pm (rev. 1 by Jamie on 11-13-18, 12:39 pm)
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
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Since: 04-15-14
That rendition of the song is nice and so is that model... Good work!
Posted on 11-13-18, 01:04 pm (rev. 1 by ProfessorDoktorGamer on 11-13-18, 01:05 pm)
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 44/75
Since: 11-25-17
Posted by Jamie
That rendition of the song is nice and so is that model... Good work!

Thanks. I did put a lot of hard work into it

and i have again done Something very Big for the Project.
The New Boot Up sound:


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Posted on 12-09-18, 08:19 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 46/75
Since: 11-25-17
Now you can Vote for Certain Machines to be in F-Zero DSX

Link to the Voteing:

I explained it in this Video Too:


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Posted on 01-20-19, 10:22 am
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 48/75
Since: 11-25-17
Cosmo Terminal is the hardest and longest track in F-Zero DSX Track yet.


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Posted on 11-22-19, 07:26 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 49/75
Since: 11-25-17
After a long time i'm posting an update here again. The main reason why i didn't do that sooner was, that i was really just to lazy to do so. I appologize for any inconvinience.


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Posted on 11-25-19, 04:10 am
Red Koopa

Karma: 348
Posts: 120/124
Since: 06-19-17
It's been a while since I've looked at this board and this hack has come a long way. This looks like it could be one of the best Mario Kart hacks the series has ever seen. Keep up the really cool work
Posted on 11-25-19, 04:38 pm

Karma: 8573
Posts: 1502/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Looks pretty good. But IMO you should try adding a few more vertices to your track. Some curves are a little too choppy.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 11-26-19, 04:56 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 50/75
Since: 11-25-17
Posted by RicBent
Looks pretty good. But IMO you should try adding a few more vertices to your track. Some curves are a little too choppy.

I'd love to, but i need to spare resources for now, since the CARC is pretty large already. Maybe in the future though.
Thanks for your feedback though, I very much appreciate it.

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Posted on 11-28-19, 10:26 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 51/75
Since: 11-25-17
Now DSX has a custom model for the Award Course (yes it still has the Figure 8 Circut shape but that's because the EPOI are hardcoded) But with this, the last MKDS "Course" is removed from the game. All 8 courses for the demo, including the Award Course are now F-Zero tracks.


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Posted on 12-14-19, 07:00 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 52/75
Since: 11-25-17
The First Custom/Completely new venue in a fanmade F-Zero EVER. Hydro Works is possibly the best track i've made yet.


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Posted on 12-15-19, 09:07 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 53/75
Since: 11-25-17
A little bit of insight into the development plans. Notethat this happened in the Dev. chat in the DSX discord.


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Posted on 01-02-20, 03:48 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 54/75
Since: 11-25-17
Menu Graphics Progress


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Posted on 01-07-20, 07:52 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 55/75
Since: 11-25-17
It get's hot. Fire Field undulation is a unpredictable race course that was demaked from F-Zero GX.
Watch out or you are toast in no time! This track knows no mercy.


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Posted on 01-13-20, 07:39 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 56/75
Since: 11-25-17
This may be the visually strongest track in DSX yet!


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Posted on 01-19-20, 08:37 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 57/75
Since: 11-25-17
Now, after 2 years of devellopment, F-Zero DSX has a custom engine sound.


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Posted on 01-29-20, 04:29 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 58/75
Since: 11-25-17
Battle Mode incomming!


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Posted on 02-09-20, 03:24 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 59/75
Since: 11-25-17
The Final Retro track for F-Zero DSX's demo.


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Posted on 02-28-20, 01:52 pm
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 60/75
Since: 11-25-17
Outer Space - Zero G is perhaps the hardest track in the Demo, alongside Fire Field - Undulation


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Posted on 03-18-20, 10:11 am
F-Zero DSX lead develloper

Karma: 221
Posts: 61/75
Since: 11-25-17
"Big Blue - Drift Highway" got a visual update:


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