Pages: 1
Posted on 05-07-18, 02:29 pm (rev. 9 by  Ndymario on 06-08-18, 06:07 am)
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 614/798
Since: 04-11-15

I've been thinking about this project for some time now. Now I've decided to make it a thing.

This will be (as far as I'm aware of) the largest Mario VS Luigi hack that has been made!

In order for this to become a reality...we need YOUR help!

What we need is:

Level Designers-
 Ndymario,  bbomb64, Ouoyupot, Nick777

Music Composers-
Graphics designers-
 bbomb64,  Hüseyin the Mighty

ASM Hackers-
Beta Testers-

If you would like to help out, say so in this thread, PM me, or join the MvL Discord!

How will this work?

This will sorta be like the community remix, where anyone who wants to contribute can.

We know what happened to the will this be different?

Hopefully, we can keep things organized and...honestly just hope that it doesn't fall apart

No one plays MvL, let alone hack it, so why now?

Well, you have a point. But, hopefully, this will show how fun it is to hack, and hopefully get more people hacking MvL!

See you next time! ~~Ndymario
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 05-09-18, 02:43 pm (rev. 1 by  Ndymario on 05-11-18, 09:30 pm)
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 617/798
Since: 04-11-15

This post isn't necessary anymore, link is now in og post
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 05-09-18, 08:43 pm (rev. 1 by  bbomb64 on 05-09-18, 08:47 pm)

Karma: 170
Posts: 31/86
Since: 12-17-17
We could use some more members, really just for level design and music.
Posted on 05-11-18, 10:57 pm (rev. 1 by  bbomb64 on 05-11-18, 10:58 pm)

Karma: 170
Posts: 48/86
Since: 12-17-17
whoops, ignore this
Posted on 05-11-18, 11:29 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2372/2735
Since: 01-17-13
how many levels is this gonna feature? two sets of five levels?
Posted on 05-12-18, 12:41 am

Karma: 170
Posts: 49/86
Since: 12-17-17
Probably. You could do as many as you want. But I think we'll stay with ten.

But maybe Nydmario has something else in mind, idk.

Posted on 05-12-18, 01:36 am
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 623/798
Since: 04-11-15
I was thinking more than that...but that depends on if Shady21 can get more than 10 in the ROM, and if we can make more than 10
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 07-17-18, 12:41 am

Karma: -29
Posts: 4/24
Since: 07-13-18
I have a question.

When I try to play a multiplayer ROM hack, it don't work.. Only the original ROM works.. I only have one multi-cart, and I want to test this, but I don't know if you need two. What do I do?

Also, if you can solve my problem, I would like to be a beta tester. But I can't be one since of my problem...
Posted on 07-22-18, 08:39 am
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 637/798
Since: 04-11-15
Hmm...I would need to know what edits you made to the levels
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Pages: 1