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Posted on 02-18-17, 10:38 pm (rev. 3 by  Ndymario on 02-18-17, 11:00 pm)
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 289/798
Since: 04-11-15
Hello user o' forums, I welcome you to my new hack named Ndymario's Hack. (1.All good names are taken 2.Can't say Newer :p)

I may finish this, but as of 2/18/17, this is just a 4 level hack

Here's the link


Screen Shots

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Posted on 02-18-17, 11:54 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2096/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Posted by Ndymario

Grass tilesets in closed rooms always felt wierd.

I'd say more stuff but I can't seem to put my thoughts into words. I'll play this later.
Posted on 02-19-17, 04:24 pm

Karma: 363
Posts: 245/250
Since: 06-19-13
I was writing the review for this hack but out of nowhere on a website where I searching for a quote, a random error showed up to tell me that I had virus. It scared me because I thought I would get a real virus. So I lost the review that I was writing. I wish NSMBHD had a feature where it saved your work sometimes just like NEW NSMBHD.

Anyway On Topic:
I am kind of mixed on this hack. Don't think it is a good hack nor think it is a bad hack. It does have good ideas to execute but just didn't really do it that much. The best level in the hack is 1-1. It has cool ideas but it ends pretty shortly even for the first level. I would like it if the hack had much longer levels. I wouldn't even mind if they were really long and had you solve puzzles just like that one SMBX episode I played where there is puzzles. The worst level is 1-3 for barley even having a challenge. I know it is meant to be easy but not too easy. As for the other levels Some are boring to okay. 1-2 had cool ideas but then out of nowhere a Bowser Jr. Boss showed up. And it was also poorly made. Also there was no secret exit. The Tower level was just short. Not a lot of things happening and when it started getting good it just ended. And after defeating Bowser Jr. in that tower, the game crashed. I'm not joking. But there is a last level which is basically suicide because the hack is over.

So this hack is kind of alright and mediocre at the same time. Pretty strange for me to say. So here is my final verdict which would have made in the review but I've lost it:
Final Verdict:
Graphics: Okay. It was not too vanilla but not bland.
Entertainment: Mixed. Some levels were interesting but didn't have the gimmicks used to their potential
Quality: Meh. That is pretty much my reaction to the whole hack to be honsest
Hack Scale: ??? I've decided to drop scores for my reviews for now on. My review speaks for itself. But it might have gotten a 6.5/10 from me.

There isn't anything to really say about this hack other than just that. I'd love to see more than just 4 levels to be honest. I usually hate it when hacks don't even have all of World 1 finished. But there is some good ideas. But also bad ideas that somewhat ruin them. It is a strange hack but kind of interesting.
Let's Play:
Honest Quality Rippers Needed!

Posted on 02-19-17, 08:14 pm
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 290/798
Since: 04-11-15
Thx for the review and feedback :D

Yea the game crashes after the tower level, but I can't fix that, I guess I could get another rom and all that.

Also, I do admit that I put the most time in 1-1 and the others not as much. But, this version of the hack showed me what I can fix, so v.2.0 might come (depends on how much free time I can get from school).
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

Posted on 02-19-17, 08:51 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 2097/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Posted by Ndymario
Yea the game crashes after the tower level, but I can't fix that, I guess I could get another rom and all that.
Posted by Ndymario
this is just a 4 level hack

maybe you could, yknow, just.. export the levels to a new rom. a five-seconds job.

unless. you simply messed the tower level.
Posted on 02-19-17, 09:36 pm
That MvL Hacker

Karma: 1605
Posts: 291/798
Since: 04-11-15
Posted by Thierry
maybe you could, yknow, just.. export the levels to a new rom. a five-second job

Posted by Ndymario
I guess I could get another rom and all that.

That was what I'm implying
Here's my MvL Hacking thread

Consider joining the NSMB DS Hacking Discord Server!

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