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Posted on 03-04-16, 06:07 pm (rev. 1 by  MeroMero on 03-05-16, 02:36 pm)
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 370/598
Since: 05-01-13
As you are aware, some tilesets load textures from the polygon_unit folder.
Here are listed all the tilesets (sans Jyotyu) along with their Map16 Tile Numbers who link to a texture:

Sub Nohara
    Castle Top
        432: I_toride2_1
        433: I_toride2_2
        434: I_toride2_3
        435: I_toride2_4
        436: I_toride2_5
        437: I_toride2_6
        438: I_toride2_7
        439: I_toride2_8
        440: I_toride2_9
        441: I_toride2_10
        442: I_toride2_11
        443: I_toride2_12
    Castle Right
        496: I_toride1
        497: I_toride2
        498: I_toride3
        499: I_toride4
        500: I_toride5
        501: I_toride6
        502: I_toride7
        503: I_toride8
        504: I_toride9

Tilesets 1, 39, 41, 49 & 58
    Wire net
        512: wire_netting2
        513: wire_netting3
        514: wire_netting4
        515: wire_netting6
        516: wire_netting7
        517: wire_netting9
        518: wire_netting10
        519: wire_netting12
        520: wire_netting13
        521: wire_netting14
        522: wire_netting15
        523: wire_netting17
        524: wire_netting1
        533: I_hashira_lu
        534: I_hashira_cu
        535: I_hashira_ru
        536: I_hashira_l
        537: I_hashira_c
        538: I_hashira_r
        539: I_hashira_ld
        540: I_hashira_cd
        541: I_hashira_rd

Tilesets 2, 6, 20, 52 & 53
        48: I_ryusa_1 (cycles from I_ryusa_1 to I_ryusa_4)
        49: I_ryusa_ue1 (cycles from I_ryusa_ue1 to I_ryusa_ue4)

Tileset 47
        217: I_ryusa_1 (cycles from I_ryusa_1 to I_ryusa_4)
        218: I_ryusa_ue1 (cycles from I_ryusa_ue1 to I_ryusa_ue4)
    Wire net
        512: wire_netting2
        513: wire_netting3
        514: wire_netting4
        515: wire_netting6
        516: wire_netting7
        517: wire_netting9
        518: wire_netting10
        519: wire_netting12
        520: wire_netting13
        521: wire_netting14
        522: wire_netting15
        523: wire_netting17
        524: wire_netting1
        533: I_hashira_lu
        534: I_hashira_cu
        535: I_hashira_ru
        536: I_hashira_l
        537: I_hashira_c
        538: I_hashira_r
        539: I_hashira_ld
        540: I_hashira_cd
        541: I_hashira_rd

Textures are drawn on a higher layer than the tilesets.
This means that if an object is drawn on one of the Tile Numbers respective to one of the tilesets specified above, it will simply and purely get overwritten by the texture (also this is done behind the scenes, by that I mean that the texture is drawn before the area being loaded fades in).
But this is not bad since that means we don't have to draw those textures in the tileset at all, this allow us to save space on the tileset.

For example look at the vanilla Desert tileset:

By erasing the quicksand from the tileset, you can use 8 more 8×8 tiles.

Tip 1: you can optimize your tilesets (other than Jyotyu and Sub Nohara) by making them 256×144 pixels large instead of the usual 256×112 pixels, but keep in mind that Sub Nohara will be sacrificed in the process for any tileset above 256×112, so do that only if you are sure that you will never need Sub Nohara for the tileset you want to expand.

Tip 2: This is already known but it doesn't hurt to remind everyone about this; use 4 palettes per tileset, there's no reason not to.

As a teaser for the next tutorial, know that tilesets can be made up to 256×208 pixels large, but this requires overlapping into the foreground and into Sub Nohara.
Posted on 03-04-16, 08:04 pm (rev. 2 by Thierry on 07-14-16, 09:39 pm)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1782/2735
Since: 01-17-13
The placeholder tiles for animated textures can be seen for a split second before the animation shows up if they are visible from the starting point in the level.

(my apologies if my english is incorrect here)
Posted on 03-04-16, 09:22 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 371/598
Since: 05-01-13
Posted by Thierry
The tiles with no animation that are in the tileset can be seen for 1 second or so before the animation shows up if there's any that is visible from the starting point with the entrance.

(my apologies if my english is incorrect here)

To Thierry only: The English is not grammatically incorrect per say, but your sentence sounds heavy to the ears. What I mean is that the idea you try to convey drags on for too long. A good exercise would be to imagine how the sentence, if it was spoken, would sound in your head.
A better sounding sentence, IMO, would be: "Upon loading the view, tiles who are supposed to be animated stand still until you gain control of Mario's movements."

Well yes, but it's not like Nintendo devs went out of their way to hide this.
This is notably best seen in level 6-A if you want to check.

The phenomenon you described also happens with the Sprites as well.
Posted on 03-05-16, 12:12 am (rev. 1 by  skawo on 03-05-16, 12:12 am)

Karma: 19777
Posts: 281/1100
Since: 04-02-13
I don't think that's the entirety of what he meant.

I think he's trying to say that the graphics in the actual tileset show up before the animated sequence is shown; thus, this suggestion:

But this is not bad since that means we don't have to draw those textures in the tileset at all, this allow us to save space on the tileset.

must be taken with that in mind.
Posted on 03-05-16, 09:05 am
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 372/598
Since: 05-01-13
Posted by skawo
I think he's trying to say that the graphics in the actual tileset show up before the animated sequence is shown

If that's what Thierry meant, then no it doesn't.
You don't even get to see the graphics due to this:
The texture is drawn before the area being loaded fades in.

An easy way to check this is to replace the quicksand in the Map16 Editor by whatever graphics you want, and when you test in-game said graphics shouldn't even appear at all due to them being superseded by the texture.
Posted on 03-05-16, 10:39 am
Red Paratroopa
Friend of N64s and DSes

Karma: 516
Posts: 115/171
Since: 07-26-15
So it is sort of like how these are in the classic Mario games? Where the "placeholder" static tiles are quickly overwritten, in this case, before the level is finished loading.
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Posted on 03-05-16, 01:15 pm
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 654/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by MeroMero
Tip 1: you can optimize your tilesets (other than Jyotyu and Sub Nohara) by making them 256×144 pixels large instead of the usual 256×112 pixels.

Er.. Which tileset from the game is 256×144 pixels large then? Or is there some method to resize tilesets to that size?
Posted on 03-05-16, 02:31 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 373/598
Since: 05-01-13
No tileset use 256×144 pixels (or more than 256×112 for that matter) and for good reason actually, you'll see why.

As for resizing the tilesets, then:

_Go into the BG_ncg folder;
_LZ Decompress the tileset you want;
_The filesize should be brought to 28,672 bytes (0×7000);
_Click on Hex Edit;
_Select the last 8,192 bytes (0×2000), the best way to do that is to go to offset 0×5000 and begin the selection from there;
_Copy/Paste until the filesize reaches 36,864 bytes (0×9000);
_Save and exit the Hex Editor, now you can click on LZ Compress and you'll be able to import 256×144 images into the tileset that was modified.

But don't do that until you're absolutely sure that the tileset you're using can afford to sacrifice the Sub Nohara tileset!

This is something that completely escaped my notice until now because the one tileset on which I applied that modification was (of course) the one tileset I didn't need to Sub Nohara to begin with.

But still if you want to try that method, tilesets used only for Castles or Towers for example are a good start since it's unlikely you'll need to use Sub Nohara in conjunction with the aforementioned tilesets.
Posted on 03-05-16, 02:46 pm (rev. 1 by  KingYoshi on 03-05-16, 02:46 pm)
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 655/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Interesting. So basically, you're 'overwriting' the Sub Nohara tiles, but they're not overwritten permanently. Only in the areas where you're using 256×144 tilesets.
Posted on 03-05-16, 03:01 pm

Karma: 19777
Posts: 283/1100
Since: 04-02-13
That IS a cool trick.
Posted on 04-16-16, 10:36 am (rev. 1 by Sherry_ on 05-11-16, 02:41 pm)

Karma: 1430
Posts: 157/355
Since: 05-26-15
Has someone tried if the Tileset 20 loads the Quicksand?

I have tried, but for me... doesn't work.
Pages: 1