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Posted on 10-27-15, 02:58 pm (rev. 3 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:17 am)
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 540/1120
Since: 11-29-11
To the people who are new into this. Good luck.

Highlight the address by moving your mouse cursor over the address bar the pressing the left mouse button once or press the F6 keyboard shortcut to get into the address bar.

These are mouses.

After the address has been highlighted, press Ctrl + C or Cmd + C on the keyboard to copy it. You can also right-click any highlighted section and choose Copy from the dropdown menu.

Be aware when using the keyboard. The keys aren't sorted alphabetically!

Once the address is copied, paste that address into another program by clicking a blank field and pressing Ctrl + V or Cmd + V. You may also right-click any highlighted section and choose Paste from the dropdown menu.

I hope this helps. If it's still unclear to you, please go to the source of this tutorial, because there you can find the tutorial.. with screenshots!
Posted on 10-27-15, 07:31 pm

Karma: 463
Posts: 22/83
Since: 02-12-15
Instructions unclear, deleted system32.
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Posted on 10-27-15, 08:26 pm
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Posted by KingYoshi
If it's still unclear to you, please go to the source of this tutorial, because there you can find the tutorial.. with screenshots!

Aargh.. I knew you copied this from somewhere!
You aren't even able to explain such a complicated thing, noob!
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Posted on 10-27-15, 08:32 pm
banned for purposefully altering people's posts, among other things. THIS IS A LIE!! oh but he's still banned.

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Instructions unclear, killed a real mouse and cutted with a knife in a MIDI keyboard.

I'm awesome.
Posted on 10-27-15, 09:08 pm
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 543/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Posted by Arceus
You aren't even able to explain such a complicated thing, noob!

Are you?

Posted by Arceus
Aargh.. I knew you copied this from somewhere!

Some things like the italic sentences and the photos are from me.

Btw, everyone may help making this tutorial as clear as possible to everyone, so that even users like [input names of dumb users here] can use this. :')
Posted on 10-27-15, 09:22 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1703/2735
Since: 01-17-13
I still don't get it! How do I press the F6 key, genius?
Posted on 10-27-15, 09:32 pm
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 544/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Posted on 10-27-15, 09:32 pm
Red Paratroopa
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Karma: 516
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Since: 07-26-15
I ended up with a copy of my left hand somehow.
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Posted on 10-27-15, 10:03 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:17 am)
Captivated by Persona 4

Karma: 605
Posts: 305/306
Since: 01-06-12
Posted by Thierry
I still don't get it! How do I press the F6 key, genius?

Maybe I can help with that one:


A working PC
Note: A working PC does not mean it has a job to do on a set schedule.

A finger. Preferably an index finger from the hand you are the most comfortable using. The index finger is the 2nd finger from the right on the left hand, and the 2nd finger from the left on the right hand.

Note: If you don't know the difference between left and right, you should live by this rule: Your right hand is the hand where the index finger is the second finger from the left. Left is the side where the index finger is the second finger from the right. Got that? Great.
If your ambidextrous, you can ignore the part about the hand you should preferably use.


1. Press the ON button to start up your computer. If you can't find it, it's probably in the shape of a 45 degrees rotated C-.
2. You should be taken to the desktop. The desktop is a screen that looks like this:
Don't freak out if your screen is not the exact same. Discrepancies exists.
3. Bring one hand to your mouse and sort of grab it like your grabbing a ball with your hand almost completely covering the mouse. If you slide this mouse item over the surface you will see a thing that looks like a white arrow moving in your screen. Now, I know this may be a bit frightening, but don't click away just yet.

4. Bring this white arrow thingy, which is called a cursor FYI, to the blue 'E', probably somewhere in the bottom left corner. Click on it, it will start a program which is called a browser. Since this post is for basic understandings, we'll stay at the basic browser, but feel free to try the advanced guide too in which we will cover Chrome, Firefox and for the real thrillseekers, Opera.

Note: If you can't find the blue 'E', it might be because you don't know which color is blue. To clarify, blue is the color that all the other colors aren't. If this still is to vague, I advise you to look to the sky (look up when you're outside) and you'll probably see the color blue. If you see a really dark color, it's nighttime and you should wait to do this experiment. If it's a really light color, it's cloudy so don't get fooled by that

5. Now this is the tricky part. Since you're a very smart person because you're reading this guide, you should have a home page set on your browser. That's exactly what we want. The part we've all been waiting for. Ready?
Move your index finger to the most top horizontal line of buttons. An example of a horizontal line is this: ___________
Then, search for the button which has the text 'F6' or 'f6' on it and bring your finger on top of that text.
Now, put some weight behind that index finger! Try to press downwards like you're squishing an ant. Do it with as much force as you can possibly spare for this and yell: "I AM GONNA PUSH THIS BUTTON! I CAN PUSH THIS BUTTON! i WILL PUSH THIS BUTTON!"

Because we from Totally Half-baked Unnecessary Guides™, THUG for short, don't want you to forget this after a few hours, we have created a nice workout schedule for you.

First two weeks after reading this guide:
Press F6 button 50 times a day.

The month after that:
Press F6 button 49 times a day.

We hope this helped.

I apologize to everyone for my horrible English.
Posted on 10-28-15, 12:27 am (rev. 2 by Thierry on 10-28-15, 12:30 am)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1704/2735
Since: 01-17-13
I looked at the sky.. I never knew blue was black and regulary flashing white. Is it a magic color, or is the sky broken where I live?

I found the Internet Explorer icon tough, since it's pratically white on recent Windows. There is no flash light or black tough. Another bug! Needs a fix urgently!

Posted on 10-28-15, 01:16 am (rev. 1 by  CreativiPie on 10-28-15, 01:16 am)
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 684/699
Since: 09-24-12
what the fuck is a finger?

Also, I'm not sure what a "desk's top" is so I used my desk's pot. It didn't work very well. You need to fix this bug by tomorrow!

By the way, the sky is red here. So yeah, pretty sure it's broken Thierry
Posted on 10-28-15, 05:50 am
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 545/1120
Since: 11-29-11
A blue 'E'?
Nonsense. 'E' is a character. Characters can't be blue.
Posted on 10-28-15, 06:49 am
Captivated by Persona 4

Karma: 605
Posts: 306/306
Since: 01-06-12
Disclaimer: THUG is not responsible for any broken skies you may encouter.

That being said, both  CreativiPie and Thierry are clearly experiencing a broken sky. While this is a very unfortunate event, I highly suggest you to replace the sky so you can look up to it and know what the color blue is. For advise where to buy one, try these brands:

Skyttles™ - A product which will make rainbows appear in the sky. The color blue is the one that comes after green, but before indigo.
Airiel™ - This product will wash away all the broken and dirty things on your skies, use this, and the sky will be so good as blue.
BBS™ - A very well-known TV channel (Because Blue Skies) where there are montages with blue skies on 24/7! They also sell brand new skies for the lowest price!

Note: THUG is in no way, shape or form incorporated with these companies, and we did not get paid to say that.


Using a desk's pot instead of a 'desktop' is highly unadvised. We from THUG do expect all our users have understandings of basic reading. For future reference, please assume that when we write 'desktop', we actually mean 'desktop' and not anything else. If you don't know what it is, I suggest you look at the screenshot posted in the original guide. Don't be freaked out if yours isn't exactly the same. Discrepancies exists.


A blue


I apologize to everyone for my horrible English.
Posted on 10-28-15, 12:53 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6078
Posts: 1705/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Posted by RiksKing
A blue 'E'

How wierd, I see a e, but no 'E'.

Also I can't find a download for the app that fixes the sky so I painted my roof blue instead.
Posted on 10-29-15, 09:18 am
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 546/1120
Since: 11-29-11
I really think threads like these bring NSMBHD to life
Posted on 10-29-15, 12:22 pm
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 1706/2735
Since: 01-17-13
Well you can have some fun thanks to them, yeah.
Posted on 10-29-15, 05:13 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1124/1290
Since: 02-12-13
I broke my finger because of this trying to find the 'left rat button' or whatever trying to press a mouse I found in my toy drawer
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