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Posted on 01-28-15, 09:56 pm (rev. 1 by  MeroMero on 01-28-15, 10:08 pm)
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 216/598
Since: 05-01-13
So what is this?

Not only he left the place, not once but twice, because he was butthurt and couldn't take advice without throwing a hissy fit but on top of that he thinks he can come back and waltz in like nothing ever happened?


After his poor behavior, hamza better do a thorough apology.
And I personally won't approve nor acknowledge his posts until he does.

What I'm going to say is not nice but it has to be said, we're better off without someone who can't pay due respect to his superiors.
Really mods and admins are supposed to be respected, what do you think will happen when they let someone who can't control his "mental breakdowns" back without sternly lecturing him, hmm?
I'll tell you, mods/admins will lose their "dignity" so to speak and their reputation will be tainted.
A community whose leaders let their members do as they please will surely collapse!

Maybe I'm taking this to much at heart. But really after hamza "threatened" to leave the place twice, one can only reach the conclusion that some mistakes are NOT to be allowed.

Is leaving a forum and coming back so much of a simple thing?


I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and give hamza a chance at redemption, BUT, if hamza has no intention of asking for forgiveness and tries to pass under the radar, then the next one to go is ME!
And unlike hamza I will keep my word. I would rather stay at the station watching the train wreck happening from afar rather than being in said train when that happens.

This is not in the moderator section because you know, I'm not a mod. But I think it's better that way because it allows for anyone who wants to to give their opinion on this, even you hamza.

To the mods: If you consider to delete my post and the thread, I want you to at least know that the purpose of this thread is not to cause drama but rather I think it's necessary to straighten things out.
Posted on 01-29-15, 02:56 am (rev. 1 by Tierage on 01-29-15, 03:00 am)

Karma: 1743
Posts: 619/658
Since: 05-14-14
Not to backseat moderate but I don't think this needs a thread. You're treating this like it's way more serious that it actually is.

I think we should just forget about hamza.
EDIT: Oh wait, he supposedly came back. I still think we don't really have any reason to give a damn.
Posted on 01-29-15, 04:22 am (rev. 3 by  TRS on 01-29-15, 11:25 pm)
Doesn't actually do anything.

Karma: 3022
Posts: 533/653
Since: 10-22-12

EDIT: Okay this is a huge overreaction. If  snake block is going to be a problem (and I am not saying he will be), the admins will take care of it. The last thing we need is somebody else threatening to leave.

EDIT EDIT: +1s, +1s everywhere
Posted on 01-29-15, 08:40 am (rev. 2 by  snake block on 01-29-15, 09:10 am)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 1080/1290
Since: 02-12-13
you didn't need to make a thread about this. not trying to backseat either

anyways, I didn't want to say sorry or apologize because I didn't think I would get any responses which weren't harsh. but if you really want me to say sorry, well umm, I apologize, alright?

the reason I came back is because this site is just fun, even if the users can be slightly/very/extremely/utterly harsh sometimes. the reason I left is because I felt that everybody had just started to hate me and it didn't appear that I could change back to not being hated by everybody, so I just left because I really hate getting called a noob etc. etc..

and you don't need to give me advice while being so harsh. i was just trying to give criticism on Arceus' hack so he can improve it (i'm guessing you'll laugh?), and then everybody just starts hammering me with their harsh responses. even though it was just honesty. Honesty. and yes I was being very immature in that argument on YouTube. the swearsaw I hit Arceus with, I'm sorry about that too.

i got angry at Arceus because he said this:

"I like it so it will stay", and not accepting my criticism. at least let me be honest! just because he's a mod doesn't mean he would just stop accepting my criticism.

-- thorough response (probably not) by hamzaDerp
Posted on 01-29-15, 11:53 am
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 217/598
Since: 05-01-13

I'm genuinely surprised (in a good way) that you would consider taking a backseat and reflect on what you did.
It's the proof that you feel regret for your behavior.

Now allow me to give you 2 advices:
_Once you start acting immature in an argument it doesn't matter whose side is right or whose side is wrong, chances are it's going to backfire at you.
_You say you don't like being called a noob, then the burden of proof is on you to show everyone else that you're someone capable and that you're someone dependable.
Posted on 01-29-15, 04:38 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5558
Posts: 876/1425
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by hamza62240
i got angry at Arceus because he said this:

"I like it so it will stay", and not accepting my criticism. at least let me be honest! just because he's a mod doesn't mean he would just stop accepting my criticism.

-- thorough response (probably not) by hamzaDerp

Oh sorry. I only made the hack for your pleasure and I will change everything what you don't like.
You don't got to the bakery either and say: "Your Croissants aren't round enough, change that!"

Sorry if that "hurt your feelings"
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Posted on 01-29-15, 06:34 pm
Giant Red Koopa

Karma: 886
Posts: 1248/1315
Since: 11-12-12
Arceus, you're not helping, at all.
At least Sharks is trying to help him, you're just trying to get him upset again.
Posted on 01-29-15, 09:50 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5558
Posts: 878/1425
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by SaturnYoshi
Arceus, you're not helping, at all.
At least Sharks is trying to help him, you're just trying to get him upset again.

I'm telling the truth. It's not my problem if people can't handle the truth.
Also I'm helping him I try to teach him that the world doesn't revolve about him and his feelings. He has to learn that not every of his wishes get granted.
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Posted on 01-29-15, 11:24 pm
Doesn't actually do anything.

Karma: 3022
Posts: 534/653
Since: 10-22-12
Can we not get into this please? That specific issue should have been dropped long ago, by both sides.
Pages: 1