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Posted on 07-09-14, 06:53 pm (rev. 1 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:47 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:05 pm (rev. 1 by  snake block on 07-09-14, 07:14 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 963/1290
Since: 02-12-13
You don't convert pngs Okay, click tilesets tab, double click the tileset you wanna apply the png to, click the "Graphics" tab, and click "Import this bitmap and recreate palette". You can stack tilesets with different colors (e.g making it darker or snowy) if you want but you need to use Import all bitmaps with all palettes instead. then click that icon with the floppy disk and a capital "S".

After you are done with that, click Map16 tab and put all noncorrupted parts of the tileset into the paster by selecting the noncorrupted tiles and then clicking a part of the Map16. Also, click on the parts below because randomization can screw up your tileset when played ingame. Then click Tile Behaviours and click each tile and apply behaviours to it. E.G all solid ground tiles should be the Solid behaviour, the middle parts of the jump-through ground would be no behvaiour and the actual floor of the jump-through tiles need to have the Solid on Top one and etc.. Then click Objects and click each of those "Object" things and click only one of the tiles in each. Seperate all tiles.

Click save tileset and apply that tileset to whichever level you want to use it in. And then you can make levels with that tileset you made
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:09 pm (rev. 1 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:47 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:12 pm (rev. 2 by  snake block on 07-09-14, 07:14 pm)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 965/1290
Since: 02-12-13

What is the error? Click "Details" and post your error log in a spoiler. It's like [ spoiler]insert error log here[/ spoiler] without the spaces in [ spoiler] and [/ spoiler].

Also, check if you already have the tileset opened.
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:15 pm, deleted by  gridatttack: this kind of post is not accepted
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:18 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 966/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Nah, just wait for staff member like global mod or admin or root to lock it

Also, if it helped, click the +1 button lol
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:24 pm (rev. 2 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:47 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:29 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 967/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Huh? Can you tell me what steps you followed? Like, what you did?
Posted on 07-09-14, 07:30 pm (rev. 2 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:47 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-09-14, 08:03 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 970/1290
Since: 02-12-13
It ain't the tileset.

Have you edited anything like an overlay file?
Posted on 07-09-14, 10:17 pm (rev. 1 by Thierry on 07-09-14, 10:18 pm)
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Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
No, have you edited anything else than the tileset?
Posted on 07-09-14, 11:10 pm

Karma: 1589
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Since: 02-12-13
That's what I actually meant, lol.
Posted on 07-10-14, 06:42 am (rev. 1 by Thierry on 07-10-14, 06:44 am)
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Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by hamza62240
That's what I actually meant, lol.

Talk better then.

Btw tries exporting the level and he tileset to a clean ROM, complety unedited.
Posted on 07-10-14, 07:29 am (rev. 3 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:48 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-10-14, 07:46 am
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Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
A tileset from Wesley or something, I see. But nothing's wrong in it.
As I said previously, export your tileset and your level into an new and clean ROM.

Posted by Pikalugia
Whut a tileset rom? XD

Yup, making our job harder is fun.

Posted on 07-10-14, 07:49 am (rev. 1 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:48 pm)
Red Goomba
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 07-10-14, 05:04 pm (rev. 1 by  Baby Bowser on 07-10-14, 05:06 pm)
Red Koopa

Karma: 331
Posts: 76/131
Since: 05-11-13
Err, they are trying to explain you, that your game cannot crash at the nintendo logo because of the Tileset!
For example if you edited a boss fight and it crashes in the boss room, then you know, that the boss is the problem.But a crash at the Titlescreen cannot be affected from something "far away" in the game.
So you must have done some other things with the ROM you use for the Tileset.
(Or do you ever use the same ROM for all things )
I would make a clean ROM and everytime you want to test something, make a level... then copy this file and edit the copied one (like normal people do it, lol ) Just to make sure everything works and if it crashes it only can be because of the edits you made some minutes ago.
So just import it into a clean ROM yeah

And just to clear this: A tileset file is a .nmt and not .nsbmd , thats a Nintendo NITRO System Basic Model file!
I'm out of Hacking. Of ALL HACKING...
I don't know how long, but there are so many reasons why I have no time to be here for a (long) while or to hack some game
sry guys...
Posted on 07-10-14, 05:31 pm
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Karma: 6078
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Since: 01-17-13
Posted by Pikalugia
But if i export it to another clean ROM... it wouldn't be in my ROM. Just a single rom with nothing in it. ?? :I

A clean (clean means unedited) NSMB ROM! You only edited a Tileset and a Level, right? Tell us if not.
Posted on 07-10-14, 10:34 pm (rev. 1 by  Pikalugia on 11-09-17, 03:48 pm)
Red Goomba
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Karma: -38
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Since: 07-09-14
Posted on 11-09-17, 05:49 pm
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Karma: 6078
Posts: 2260/2735
Since: 01-17-13
why the hell did you overwrite all your posts.

also NSBMDs are not tilesets.
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