Posted on 03-23-14, 04:50 pm

Karma: 863
Posts: 69/237
Since: 02-04-14
*Angelyoshi34 does a THUMP

Sorry for double post, trying to keep this thread alive.
Posted on 03-24-14, 03:50 am
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 528/699
Since: 09-24-12
Already saw an animal with 1.11789765449897856547634738 HUMP? I have. It's called a triskaidodecapentahexaoctoheptaquadrilatrimal.

Posted on 03-25-14, 12:44 am

Karma: 863
Posts: 71/237
Since: 02-04-14
HUM? My sister asked me to make an account here!
Posted on 03-25-14, 03:02 am
me some orange juice my hand

Karma: 674
Posts: 529/699
Since: 09-24-12
There's this creature living in a random HUT in the desert.
Posted on 03-26-14, 02:48 am

Karma: 863
Posts: 73/237
Since: 02-04-14
Man, is it HOT today.
Posted on 04-14-14, 07:32 pm
All aboard the RandomTests train!

Karma: 789
Posts: 336/352
Since: 05-01-12
It's a LOT of words. How can I avoid duplicates?
Posted on 04-14-14, 07:50 pm

Karma: 673
Posts: 538/583
Since: 07-02-11
A BOT reported this post.
Posted on 04-15-14, 07:02 pm

Karma: 863
Posts: 95/237
Since: 02-04-14
BUT what bot was it?
Posted on 04-17-14, 12:02 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 4/173
Since: 04-15-14
I'll have to CUT down on my post length, because they seem to take about 4 hours to read 10% of it. Almost seriously.
Posted on 04-17-14, 06:45 pm

Karma: 863
Posts: 97/237
Since: 02-04-14
This little kitten is so CUTE!
Posted on 04-18-14, 03:34 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 15/173
Since: 04-15-14
Someone just put my TV on MUTE, whilst playing on MK64!
Posted on 04-18-14, 05:23 pm

Karma: 863
Posts: 98/237
Since: 02-04-14
I think my dog is a MUTT.
Posted on 04-18-14, 07:23 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 20/173
Since: 04-15-14
I've just seen a Toad, he had a huge BUTT
Posted on 04-19-14, 07:12 pm (rev. 1 by MarioAdvance125 on 04-19-14, 07:13 pm)

Karma: 863
Posts: 100/237
Since: 02-04-14
BUT he has a bottle of soda. He seems to be sharing it with other toads.

Edit: 100 posts! Finally!
Posted on 04-19-14, 08:01 pm
We do what we must because we can

Karma: 5569
Posts: 585/1426
Since: 06-25-13
Posted by angelyoshi34
BUT he has a bottle of soda. He seems to be sharing it with other toads.

Edit: 100 posts! Finally!

Only a few months and you can watch BAT(s) at night.

Super Mario Bros. - The New Worlds | Full release
Super Mario Castle 2 | Full release

My Youtube channel
Best friends forever
Posted on 04-19-14, 10:07 pm (rev. 5 by Thierry on 02-28-15, 06:29 pm)
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 635/2788
Since: 01-17-13
Gah, I cannot cook Mario because I just can't put him in the oven, he is too FAT.

Posted on 04-19-14, 11:51 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 26/173
Since: 04-15-14
Posted by Thierry
Gah, I cannot cook Mario because I cannot put him in the oven, he is too much FAT.

Oh look Nyan CAT wants to play 1-Letter Swap!

Posted on 04-21-14, 02:17 am

Karma: 863
Posts: 103/237
Since: 02-04-14
There is a key under the MAT...
Posted on 04-21-14, 06:10 pm
banned for pulling same old drama antics

Karma: -87
Posts: 28/173
Since: 04-15-14
Posted by Thierry
Gah, I cannot cook Mario because I cannot put him in the oven, he is too much FAT.

Lol, I like that one!! :lol:

Mario Kart DS gameplay (Wii Fit Plus Exercise): 1.0. MET.
Posted on 04-22-14, 02:09 am

Karma: 863
Posts: 105/237
Since: 02-04-14
There's a computer called Windows ME.