Sprite DBBy Category
Welcome to the Sprite DB! Here you will find information on how to use any sprite in NSMB.
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All sprites


Known, incomplete

Known, complete

Platforms and ropes
Event controllers
Bosses and cutscenes
Camera controllers
Useless sprites
Effects and decorations
Enemies - Overground
Enemies - Underground
Enemies - Water
Enemies - Snow
Enemies - Fire
Enemies - Castle
Enemies - Ghost House
Enemies - Desert

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 326 total

The above bar needs more green. HELP US MAKE IT HAPPEN! NOW!
ID Class ID Name Last edited by
83 240Self-activating block
Unknown 4: list at nybble 4: 0=No modification,1=Throw item right,2=Dud block,9=Throw item left
Unknown 5: checkbox at nybble 5 with mask 1
Start with dud block: checkbox at nybble 6 with mask 8
Item goes to touch screen: checkbox at nybble 7 with mask 15
Item overlap when spawned: checkbox at nybble 8 with mask 1
Unknown 9: list at nybble 9: 0=No modification,1=Throw item right,4=Item falls/throw item if on solid,15=Item spawns like touchscreen
Unknown 10: list at nybble 10: 0=No modification,1=Dud block,2=Brick spawn item,3=Brick into dud block,4=Block disappear item goes up,5=Block disappear,6=? Block disappear item go down,7=Block disappear 2,8=Nibble value in sprite 31,9=Dud block 2,11=Dud block 3,12=10 coin brick + item,13=10 coin brick,14=static Coin + item going down,15=Static Coin
Item type: list at nybble 11: 0=Mushroom/Fire Flower,1=Starman,2=Coin,3=Poof?,4=2 Coins?,5=Mega Mushroom,6=Mushroom,7=1-Up,8=Mushroom 2,9=Fire Flower,10=Vine,11=Blue Shell,12=Mushroom 3,13=Spring,14=Mushroom 4,15=No Item?. Having Raw Sprite Data 00 00 00 00 0F 59 is mini mushroom for some reason.
 Hiccup (rev. 7)