General information
Name  pablixtheyoshi
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Goomba
To next rank 8 posts
Karma -38
Total posts 27 (0.01 per day)
Total threads 4 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 12-19-13, 05:48 pm (3872 days ago)
Last post 07-24-19, 08:29 pm (1829 days ago)
in Where's the ghost house model? (General NSMB Hacking) » 66607
Last view 07-25-19, 03:07 pm (1828 days ago)
Browser Firefox 68.0 on Firefox OS
Total +1s received 0
Total +1s given 0
Contact information
Email address Public
Theme NSMB Castle
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language es_ES
Personal information
Real name Pablo
Location Zaragoza, Spain
Birthday November 25, 1999 (24 years old)
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  pablixtheyoshi
 Polar Hacker Welcome to the New Super Mario Bros. Hacking Domain!
 pablixtheyoshi Thanks
 Arceus You forgot a new wish
 pablixtheyoshi xD i will fix that
 KingYoshi What do you mean with 'the loading screen of the levels'?
RicBent Yes I could. At first read the ASM-Tutorials and install devkitPro. Otherwise you won't achief anything
RicBent This one is important
 pablixtheyoshi What da fuq? Do i really have to read that?? OMG
RicBent Yea you shhould For now only the link above.
VirtualInfection Happy birthday
 TerraPlayzGamez happy birthday
 HD Erick Games Happy Birthday!!!
 KTRMAmbiance Happy birthday to you!
sudermarionsmb BAYD TO YOU
Sample post

Karma: -38
Posts: 27
Since: 12-19-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");