General information
Name mielcimorelli
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Non-poster
To next rank 1 post
Karma -5
Total posts 0 (0.00 per day)
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Registered on 01-29-13, 08:01 pm (4104 days ago)
Last post Never
Last view 09-19-14, 02:02 pm (3506 days ago)
Browser Chrome 37.0.2062 on Windows 8
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Email address Private
Theme Daily Kaypea
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language nl_NL
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Real name Miel
Sprite database
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Sprites edited 0
Comments about mielcimorelli
« 123
RicBent Images of the power-ups are stored in the /obj folder i belive. ASM for anything else.
 Ruedajv10 The pallete is on the folder obj and the file is I_kuribo256 (Or something like that)
 Ruedajv10 sorry i didn't understant whay you want to say
 Ruedajv10 for change the colour you need to change the pallete in the image editor or on the pallete editor or change the pallete
mielcimorelli change the pallete
 Ruedajv10 yes, register on my site if you want and go r for the chat on the final of the page
Thierry Huh, wait, this is old, I don't remember, wait..
Thierry I don't understand what you're asking to me.
Thierry Hey, the pallet of the items is: Go to BG_ncl, and doubleclick on d_2d_A_J_jyostyu_B_ncl.bin
Thierry And the image is: I_item_ncg.bin It would be great if you stop spam me!! Items are stocked in /root/obj. for the palette try the ones who are in Bg_ncl or the ones in the /obj folder
 snake block Enemies are in FILESYSTEM/root/enemy in the ROM file browser. Items are in FILESYSTEM/root/obj (Palette in FILESYSTEM/root/Bg_ncl).
 snake block You can't edit how they look like in the editor this way, but you can edit how they look like in-game this way.
 Dirbaio Please post a thread about it
 Dirbaio Profile comments are not the right place to ask questions
« 123
Sample post

Karma: -5
Posts: 0
Since: 01-29-13
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");