General information
Name  Cheesy McCheeseFace
Power Banned
Sex Male
Title you are a fucking idiot
Karma -95
Total posts 7 (0.00 per day)
Total threads 2 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 06-26-17, 09:46 am (2587 days ago)
Last post 07-03-17, 09:00 am (2580 days ago)
in Other Super Mario Bros. U (General ROM Hacking) » 57499
Last view 08-30-22, 07:25 pm (696 days ago)
Browser Chrome 105.0.0
Total +1s received 0
Total +1s given 1
To:  Dirbaio (1)
Contact information
Email address Private
Theme Windows 3.Retro
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Sprite database
Total edits 0
Sprites edited 0
Comments about  Cheesy McCheeseFace
 Arisotura cool
 KTRMAmbiance Hi
 Cheesy McCheeseFace @Ambiance My modified ROM of NSMBDS won't play the opening cutscene! Why?
 KTRMAmbiance Your ROM might be corrupted. Ty your modifications again on a cleam ROM to see if that works. If it doesn't, there may be something wrong with your modifications.
 KTRMAmbiance Try*
 Cheesy McCheeseFace OK. TY! Imma also try on DraStic on Android.
Needle How am I stuck?
 Helios wassup
 Cheesy McCheeseFace *Hello!
 Cheesy McCheeseFace Hello me!
 Arisotura you're banned, that's what's up
Thierry bye you
Sample post
you are a fucking idiot

Karma: -95
Posts: 7
Since: 06-26-17
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");