i don't know if it the latest version or not... because when i download it and i see the about it just saying mkds course modifier by mkds, just that....
it's odd, when i'm choosing my obj and then ask me to where its saved then i clicked save and the extension is .nsbmd but i got error is unhandled exeption has occured in your application. index was outside the bounds of the array
but i'm just doing this: File - New - NSBMD - then i open my .obj files - then save as and the type is nitro system basic model (*.nsbmd) then press save and i got error
here: http://nsmbhd.net/get.php?id=1912 i don't know what is .mtl though but when i'm converting the nsbmd to obj with mkds course modifier it gives me .mtl, .obj, and textures of the 3d...