General information
Name  MoonlightCapital
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Not a hacker
Karma 188
Total posts 153 (0.05 per day)
Total threads 11 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 04-05-16, 06:30 am (3187 days ago)
Last post 12-17-18, 08:56 pm (2200 days ago)
in They surely need my help (Computers, Programming and Technology) » 64335
Last view 04-15-19, 07:55 pm (2081 days ago)
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Email address Public
Theme NSMB Grassland
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
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Location Italy

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Sprite database
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Comments about  MoonlightCapital
« 2021222324252627282930 »
xKitten Nein.
xKitten also you were banned for abusing rep, rereging to give yourself rep and generally being an asshole towards jamie
xKitten haha oh that's a good one
xKitten you do know you reregged before you got banned, right?
 Ultraboy io non voglio il Nick rosa
xKitten no, but you were still abusing rep before you got banned.
xKitten with a rereg.
xKitten 'the confirmations'?
xKitten we're staff. we don't need confirmations. We know that you've done a ton of things wrong, and you have a history of it too.
xKitten That's all we need to ban you, aside from the evidence there is of you abusing rep.
xKitten we have logs to confirm that, plus, why do we have to tell you?
xKitten Doesn't matter. Being mad doesn't excuse you from abusing the hell out of rep to the point where it got removed.
xKitten what you're doing now, kid. if you didn't bother me about your ban so much, maybe you would get an unban
xKitten but you've ruined that for yourself
xKitten The problem isn't HGM. The problem is you, sir.
« 2021222324252627282930 »
Sample post
Not a hacker

Karma: 188
Posts: 153
Since: 04-05-16
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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