General information
Name  MoonlightCapital
Power Normal
Sex Male
Title Not a hacker
Karma 188
Total posts 153 (0.05 per day)
Total threads 11 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 04-05-16, 06:30 am (3187 days ago)
Last post 12-17-18, 08:56 pm (2201 days ago)
in They surely need my help (Computers, Programming and Technology) » 64335
Last view 04-15-19, 07:55 pm (2082 days ago)
Browser Firefox 68.0 on Mac OS X 10
Total +1s received 14 [View...]
From: Sherry_ (4), Jamie (3), Asprok (2),  onlypuppy7 (1),  itsamemario (1), more...
Total +1s given 7
To:  newsuperhackboys (2), Sherry_ (1),  Ultraboy (1),  gridatttack (1), Superkingboo Returns (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Theme NSMB Grassland
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language en_US
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Location Italy

Discord: MoonlightCapital#0554 (note: you need at least one mutual server if you wish to send me a friend request)

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Sprite database
Total edits 1
Sprites edited 1
Last edits Groundpound-able ghost house goo (278) on 06-14-16, 04:55 pm
Comments about  MoonlightCapital
« 22232425262728293031 »
Sherry_ eh?
xKitten stop fucking writing shit on everyone's profiles
 Kankerkoekjesdief If you want people to stop from talking bad shit about you back, just stop writing shit on their profiles lol
 Kankerkoekjesdief I can't be that hard ;')
 Kankerkoekjesdief Behind your back*
Sherry_ che ti ha risposto?
 MoonlightCapital oppa gagnam stile style
 Ultraboy belle queste piume
 Ultraboy  josuehackerds
Sherry_ io nn vedo piume
Asprok Why are you so obsessed with  josuehackerds?
Asprok Do you think Sherry_ and Thierry secretly are a couple? But hey, that's just a theory. A GAY theory! (Sorry, I had to).
Asprok wut
Asprok i was joking
Asprok Do you not watch GameTheory?
« 22232425262728293031 »
Sample post
Not a hacker

Karma: 188
Posts: 153
Since: 04-05-16
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");

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