General information
Name  ENEKOwii
Power Normal
Sex Male
Rank Red Paratroopa
To next rank 14 posts
Karma 220
Total posts 166 (0.04 per day)
Total threads 12 (0.00 per day)
Registered on 04-02-12, 09:12 am (4399 days ago)
Last post 01-10-13, 09:12 pm (4116 days ago)
in Happy Birthday thread! (General Chat) » 20849
Last view 03-14-14, 06:54 am (3688 days ago)
Browser Chrome 33.0.1750 on Windows 7
Total +1s received 14 [View...]
From:  DreadMario175 (2), Galdereitor99 (1),  SaturnYoshi (1), TheIceyGoomba120 (1),  JaviLuki (1), more...
Total +1s given 39
To:  ray (16),  Dirbaio (6),  Freeze (5),  MarioFanatic64 (4),  Lunarius (1), more...
Contact information
Email address Public
Homepage ENEKOwii - Youtube Channel -
Theme NSMB Lava Land
Items per page 20 posts, 50 threads
Language Board default
Personal information
Location Basque Country, Spain
Birthday May 6, 1999 (24 years old)
Hello, I'm ENEKOwii and I'm doing the hack:
New Super Mario Bros. The lost levels

Y Soy español!!

Sprite database
Total edits 12
Sprites edited 12
Last edits Tube Piranha Plant facing Top (23) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Tube Piranha Plant facing Right (25) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Tube Piranha Plant facing Left (26) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Lakithunder (47) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Bowser boss (58) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Spinning Red Rectangle Platform (82) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Piranha Plant (120) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Fire Spitting Piranha Plant (123) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Vs. Battle Star (210) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Spinning Square Platform (236) on 04-19-24, 03:34 am
Comments about  ENEKOwii
« 123456 »
 Arisotura Asiu oupsg iuezfg uif poerg ifudg reipufb. sophn çres ofdg rohf dgo dfohgfd opfd poxb. poxh sdgoret on, fdgp dsfhgop.
 Arisotura "why did you post this: Asiu oupsg iuezf... on my profile?" I just wanted to continue the conversation
 MarioSunshine Thank you! Let the NSMB-Hacker sage bless you!
 MarioSunshine In "Happy Birthday" Thread, remember?
 MarioSunshine Hahaha. Now you know right?
 Lunarius El Hacks esta corrupto?
 Lunarius Ok voy a ver lo...
 XXLuigiMario Yo también hablo español XD!
 Dirbaio Ultimo aviso: cambia el color de fondo de tu layout YA
 Dirbaio Este rojo DUELE A LOS OJOS
 Lunarius Ya veo que tu tienes un titulo especial...
 gridatttack The post layout you have is way more better than the old one (maybe the star is too big)
 DreadMario175 You are spanish man?
 DreadMario175 What a surprise xD You can speak english perfect!
« 123456 »
Sample post
Red Paratroopa

Karma: 220
Posts: 166
Since: 04-02-12
This is a sample post. You probably already know what this is for.

Posted by Goomba
Posted by Mario
Oh, nooo! *stomp*

Well, what more could you want to know? Perhaps how to do the classic infinite loop?
    printf("Hello World!");