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Posted on 07-08-11, 12:09 pm
Buster Beetle

Karma: 379
Posts: 41/464
Since: 06-29-11
Is there a behavior that is solid on top and that the bottom half of the tile is solid? Or even just solid on top at the halfway point instead of the 16 pixel high top.

Or one other one I have been trying to achieve...vine on the bottom half and can be climbed up through, but yet walked across from above like a solid on top. Think of a 1 tile high path that I am trying to get a vine to be able to be climbed up to from below. If Mario is already on top of the ledge, I want it so you can't fall through.
Posted on 07-08-11, 12:12 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10071
Posts: 193/4458
Since: 06-08-11
I don't know of such tile behaviors.
The first one, you could try to combine the "solid on top" one with the mini-mario blocks, but I don't think it would work...
The second one is maybe doable, combining solid on top with climbable vine. I dunno.
Posted on 07-09-11, 07:46 am (rev. 5)
Buster Beetle

Karma: 379
Posts: 42/464
Since: 06-29-11
Posted by Dirbaio
I don't know of such tile behaviors.
The first one, you could try to combine the "solid on top" one with the mini-mario blocks, but I don't think it would work...
The second one is maybe doable, combining solid on top with climbable vine. I dunno.

The mini Mario blocks (located in the 74 tileset) already use the 00 00 00 (08) at the end. I don't think it will work either. If anyone has stumbled across behaviors like this though through other testing, reply if you know.


Found two new cool behaviors.

00 00 00 84 - top of ladder/vine (solid on top, climbable from bottom)
0C 00 00 88 - solid bottom and sides, fall through from top (kind of a one way tile)

I am adding this to the other post too....this is just to update this one. I found what I needed.
Posted on 08-14-11, 09:25 am
Buster Beetle

Karma: 379
Posts: 164/464
Since: 06-29-11
So the ladder tile behavior is working in my hack as long as you do not go down the ladder. I don't know if there is a way to make a climbable 00 00 00 04 tile that can be walked across without falling through, yet allows climbing down when you press down on the gamepad. Anyone have any ideas of how to make a tile behave this way? I have tried everything, but can't get it to work.

The behavior that can be walked across without falling, but can be climbed through coming from the bottom is 00 00 00 84.
Pages: 1