Pages: 1
Posted on 08-05-16, 11:57 am

Karma: -3
Posts: 1/11
Since: 08-04-16

I made a Custom Track for MKDS. The Track itself works fine.
But now i wanted to edit the nkm, so that this latiku-turn-around thing is working
correct, and the COMs drive normal. I searched for hours, but i can't find an answer.
Is there an NKM-Tutorial? I need help!

Thank you
Posted on 08-05-16, 12:02 pm (rev. 2 by  KTRMAmbiance on 08-05-16, 12:04 pm)
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 113/396
Since: 11-20-15
You can use the latest MKDS Course Modifier 4.0 to edit NKM files.
Posted on 08-05-16, 12:16 pm

Karma: -3
Posts: 2/11
Since: 08-04-16
Yes I know, but i don't know what all of these things are. I need a tutorial or something.
Thank you
Posted on 08-05-16, 12:31 pm (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:22 am)
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 114/396
Since: 11-20-15
If you want to edit NKMs easier, use Mario Kart Toolbox. Its 3D editor makes NKM editing easier. Hope this helps.
Posted on 08-05-16, 01:20 pm

Karma: -3
Posts: 3/11
Since: 08-04-16
It helps a little bit, but the problem was:
I don't know what POIT means oder KTPC and these things.

Thank you
Posted on 08-05-16, 01:42 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 115/396
Since: 11-20-15
All the information related to NKM files can be found here:
Posted on 08-05-16, 02:00 pm

Karma: -3
Posts: 4/11
Since: 08-04-16
Thanks!!! That helped a lot!
Thank you
Posted on 08-06-16, 02:45 pm

Karma: -3
Posts: 5/11
Since: 08-04-16
And how to use them now? I need a good explanation! :C

Thank you
Posted on 08-06-16, 07:54 pm
Buzzy Beetle

Karma: 935
Posts: 116/396
Since: 11-20-15
Edited NKMs?
If you're referring them, just replace the original course_map.nkm in the carc file with your newly created one.
Posted on 08-08-16, 07:12 pm

Karma: -3
Posts: 11/11
Since: 08-04-16
No, no. I use the MKDSCM and I don't know how to set the CPU - Routes or making the lap count!
Thank you
Posted on 08-08-16, 08:35 pm (rev. 1 by Yami on 08-08-16, 08:35 pm)

Karma: 721
Posts: 132/240
Since: 08-12-13
In order to make the laps count, you must pass all Checkpoints, and you must have at least 1 mandatory Checkpoint once in a while.
Hit me with a stick if I'm wrong, I only know it holds true for Mario Kart 7, so I assume it holds true for Mario Kart DS as well.
Pages: 1