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Posted on 06-02-13, 05:56 pm

Karma: 20
Posts: 2/6
Since: 05-23-13
=== English ===

(Sorry for my English I am Spanish and English are not much use google translator)

Hi I'm BlackSnake and I have a problem. I'm doing my own NSMB hack and am editing texture textures to edit Mario model, edit the regular Mario and Mario flower, texture load the game right out to pick the flower that Mario's head and cap will be pink and black body try to modify the graph have if there was bad but it was all right as I can do to make it look normal Mario Mario flower textures well without problems. And also edited the face, hat, etc..

If anyone is interested I am doing a remake with original graphics super Mario bros NES editing models and stuff if anyone wants to send a private message.

=== Español ===

Hola soy BlackSnake y tengo un problema. estoy haciendo mi propio hack de NSMB y estoy editando texturas al editar la textura del modelo de Mario, edite la de Mario normal y la de Mario flor, al cargar el juego la textura sale correcta hasta que al coger la flor la cabeza de Mario y la gorra se be rosa y el cuerpo negro intente modificar el archivo haber si había algún gráfico mal aunque estaba todo correcto como puedo hacerlo para que se vea Mario normal y Mario flor bien sin problemas de texturas. También e editado la cara, la gorra etc.

Si a alguien le interesa estoy haciendo un remake con gráficos originales del súper Mario bros NES editando modelos y esas cosas si alguien quiere colaborar manden un mensaje privado.

Posted on 06-02-13, 05:59 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10071
Posts: 3358/4458
Since: 06-08-11
The color change when you get the fire flower is made by a palette change.
There is one image and two palettes.

You will probably have to import both at the same time so both palettes are generated correctly and it looks good. I don't know.
Posted on 06-02-13, 07:09 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 06-02-13, 07:10 pm)

Karma: 8553
Posts: 259/1681
Since: 06-09-12
 ray have made that it in ASMB.

I dunno how but I think its realy hard to do
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Pages: 1