Posted on 10-17-13, 12:58 pm in Board changelog
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Yesterday I pushed...

The Karma Update

Basically, now:

+1 is +10 to karma.
Deleted post is -25.
Trashed thread is -25.
Deleted thread is -40.

And now karma shows on the sidebar of posts, and on the tooltips of usernames.

And you can see which users have given most +1's to someone on his profile.
Posted on 10-17-13, 01:11 pm in Board changelog
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
A clarification on why I did this:

The purpose of this change is to encourage post quality instead of silly postcount++.

If due to this update you have lower karma than before, it meanse you made lots of bad posts in the past that got deleted. Try to improve
Posted on 10-17-13, 01:42 pm in Board changelog
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Posted by wesley

just a suggestion.
i've seen on everyone is an admin day a kind of list that shows how much posts and threads where deleted per user.
can that list be public, to know if you are walking on thin ice.
that would also improve some post quality.

That page is visible to anyone here:
Except it's now broken, lol. I'll fix it.

Mega-Mario: Well, if you make a post or thread and it doesn't get deleted, you did "something" good, even if it's just a little. Given that getting a post deleted takes away much more karma, I don't think it's a problem.
Posted on 10-17-13, 01:52 pm in Board changelog
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Karma uservotes count the same as before: 5 for normal user, 10 for mod, 15 for admin.

I've made it count very little compared to everything else on purpose, so karma reflects more whether people like your actions, not whether people like you.

Wesley: Yep, posts in deleted/trashed threads don't count. Only if *your* threads get deleted/trashed.
Posted on 10-17-13, 11:06 pm in Board changelog (rev. 1 by  Dirbaio on 10-17-13, 11:07 pm)
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
I changed the karma weights a bit. Now the whole thing is as follows:

Karma starts at 0 (Not 100 as before).

+1: +10
new thread: +2
new post: +1
user vote: +/-5 (normal user), 10 (mod), 15 (admin)
Deleted post: -15
Thread you started is trashed: -20
Thread you started is deleted: -30

So karmas are... less negative now.

I've also clarified the "top +1ers" thing. It also shows the people you've +1'd the most.
Also displaynames are gone due to stupid and useless abuse.
Posted on 10-18-13, 03:33 pm in smallsuggestion Un +1'ing.
Super Mario
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It will be done. But no promises on when, I dunno.
Posted on 11-09-13, 02:52 pm in A few Suggestions
Super Mario
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Thierry you're not staff either so don't go tell people that they aren't staff.

I started coding Notifications some time ago, it's in a branch in the abxd repo. But then I ran into some problems. Those who make you go "uh we should fix this first". And then Blarg.

The way I was doing it was such that users can subscribe or un subscribe from certain types of notifications on certain things. For example you can subscribe to a particular thread or whatever. So by default you only get important notifications, like when your posts or threads are deleted, or PMs or whatever.

So no, it won't turn into a Facebook-like Spam.

And no, no estimated time of it getting finished.

About the +1 thing, yep, your suggestions are nice and you're not the first one to suggest them. Maybe they'll become real.
Posted on 11-11-13, 04:53 pm in Should deleting posts really exist?
Super Mario
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Since: 06-08-11
And now I'm going to mercilessly censor this thread by closing it forever.
Fuck democracy, this is a dictatorship.
Posted on 11-15-13, 01:23 am in .svchost Problems + Startup + Lag
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
svchost.exe is the "service host" process, it contains many system services. If you close it many other things can stpo working.

I see you have good old WinXP there. It's probably full of crap and viruses.
The easiest way out of that is to reinstall. That's what I always did back then, because trying to repair a badly broken XP system sucks. And while you're at it, I recommend you upgrade to win7 or 8. XP is old
Posted on 11-27-13, 03:03 pm in Corrupt-a-wish!
Super Mario
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Granted but a troll moderator edited tour post

I wish it wasn't so cold here
Posted on 12-05-13, 09:46 pm in The Christmas Thread!
Super Mario
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There's a thread about exactly the same thing RIGHT BELOW this one.
Posted on 12-26-13, 02:37 am in Post bugs and suggestions in this thread
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Yep, that's some crap adware (read: a virus that puts ads in sites you visit). Removing the extension probably doesn't remove the virus itself, so maybe that extension will come back later magically.

I recommend you do the usual things to get rid of viruses
Posted on 12-28-13, 12:59 am in Bumping Threads
Super Mario
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Since: 06-08-11

Is that what the "Autolock Threads" option is for?

No, we wont use autolock due to what i was saying earlier: posting in a one month old thread is not always bad. There are exceptions and common sense. Have you read the rules about bumping? You should.
Posted on 01-10-14, 12:16 am in Playing Roms on DSs?
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
 Arceus: that's the game boot screen graphics, not the ROM icon.
The ROM icon and titles are stored in banner.bin
Posted on 01-10-14, 02:16 am in FlashME
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
I have FlashMe on my DS Lite and I have NO problems at all with sleep mode.

So yup, go for it

> homebrew ds download play games

Does that exist? link me please
Posted on 01-15-14, 08:28 am in FlashME
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Yes, DO NOT power off the DS while you're installing FlashMe. Also keep it plugged in case you run out of battery. Obviously.

If you do that properly there's absolutely no risk to get it bricked

I used a paperclip to short it, but maybe toothpick + tinfoil is better. It can be tricky to short it. If during installation it loses contact, the installation will stop, waiting for you to short it again, and then it will continue. The installer is designed with this in mind. It even makes a beeping sound so you know if it's working correctly without having to look at the screen.

And yes, NoAuto is ok
Posted on 01-21-14, 08:16 pm in test please ignore
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
kay then, close
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
Hi, and welcome to the forum!

Yes, the view in 1-1 is set to not scroll vertically, so the camera sticks to the bottom of the view.

Vines (and other sprites, like the spinning jump board, and maybe others) disable this vertical scrolling restriction, allowing the camera to scroll vertically (until it touches the bottom of the view: then the camera gets locked again).

These sprites don't disable scroll control sprites, only the view scroll control settings.

The purpose of the scroll controls next to the star coin is to move the camera down when the player comes from the usually hidden platforms above, in order to lock the camera to the bottom of the view again. I think the camera doesn't scroll enough in order to get locked in that place.
Super Mario
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Karma: 10021
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Since: 06-08-11
The vertical scroll control sprites work like this:

There are two sprites: the left limit and the right limit. Together they form an imaginary "line". If mario is horizontally between the two sprites, and under the line, then the camera won't go up the line (as if the line acts like the top of the view).

If Mario gets on top of the line by going through the line, the camera doesn't go up either.

If Mario gets on top of the line by not crossing the line, the camera will go up. If Mario crosses the line from top to bottom, the camera will "lock" again under the line, like it does in 1-1.

That's for the "top" scroll limits. These sprites have a setting that can make them act as a "bottom" limit, which acts pretty much the same way.

There's also the horizontal scroll control sprite. That one works the same as the vertical ones, except it's specified as one sprite at the bottom of the line with the height as a setting, instead of two sprites one on top and one at the bottom.

The "gaps" on the bottom scroll control sprites purposes are:
The first one is so that the camera follows Mario down the hole, the second one is so that the camera doesn't "jump" up when Mario goes up the second hole.

They did it this way so the camera stays locked vertically in the whole level, except if Mario goes down that first hole.

If you want to see it for yourself:

First remove the "holes" so that there's only one scroll control line across the whole level. You'll see the camera doesn't go down when you go down the hole, and you die. (If Mario gets down the camera, he dies, even if it's not the bottom of the view).

Then remove all the bottom scroll control lines. You'll see the camera goes down in the hole, but it also goes down in other places in the level, and it feels more "ugly".

Hope this helps
Posted on 02-15-14, 03:48 pm in Understanding vertical scrolling on Level 1-1 Area 1 (rev. 1 by  Dirbaio on 02-15-14, 03:48 pm)
Super Mario
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Since: 06-08-11
Posted by zubie
In 1-2-1, at the start, both top and bottom limits can fit in one screen, and Mario can see the tiles just under the bottom line.

There's an additional setting in the sprite that allows you to offset the limit in pixels (I don't remember if it was up or down). If you look closely you'll see the offsets for the top and bottom limits make it exactly one screen high. (The DS screen is 256x192 pixels). They used that to make the camera not locked to the exact blocks, but slightly offset.

Posted by zubie
Also, I guess the lock in camera is a transition lock, as camera still moves fluidly after Mario crosses the top limiters from above in 1-1-1

Yes, there's some "smoothing" going on so it's still fluid.