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Posted on 11-10-20, 11:39 pm
obese hacker

Karma: 142
Posts: 51/100
Since: 10-19-19
just an idea
what if the total user count on the title screen only counted people who were not banned and have been active for at least 3 or something years
but then near that number it would then count banned users, the inactive users, and amount active users
and then posted a total number of users in the sites history
not really sure how that would be laid out but just a suggestion
Posted on 11-11-20, 10:06 am

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1590/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Not entirely sure what you mean with title screen, but currently the amount of total and active users is shown on the home page:

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Posted on 11-11-20, 08:40 pm
obese hacker

Karma: 142
Posts: 52/100
Since: 10-19-19
yes, that’s the “title screen” i was referring to
i mean, i don’t really know how beneficial this change could be but i was imagining that the # registered users only displayed unbanned people, and then you could see how many banned users there are and total amount of members (so the # registered users in your post) separately.
Posted on 11-12-20, 02:56 am
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6075
Posts: 2705/2729
Since: 01-17-13
The distinction between banned and unbanned accounts in tallies is in my opinion irrelevant. You're putting too much emphasis on them, look at the bigger picture. A lot of guests make "trash accounts" they only use for one day and then never again. Bots are also rampant (and are only dealt with if they manage to make a post). Considering all the trash accounts around, banned users are the least of your worries. Those dead accounts are the reason why we have the "active users" tally.
Do we have any reason to exclude banned users in particular? It's not like they ceased to exist, I don't see why we should pretend they did.
Users get banned for breaking the rules. That does not imply they don't deserve to be acknowledged anymore.
Posted on 11-12-20, 03:35 am
obese hacker

Karma: 142
Posts: 53/100
Since: 10-19-19
oh, okay, that makes sense
in a way i didn’t realize that the active users count served that purpose
okay well that’s all i wanted to say, thank you RicBent and Thierry for getting back to me on this
Pages: 1