Which SMB2 hack should I tackle?
SMB2: Bowser Edition
Googie Toons
10 users have voted so far.
Pages: 1
Posted on 03-30-20, 11:50 pm

Karma: 47
Posts: 2/22
Since: 03-30-20
I get alotta people on Twitter & YouTube asking me when will I release my SMB2 hack demos, so I caved in and releasing SMB2: Bowser Edition and Googie Toons!

Snag the demo here.

Icegoom did all the graphics in this hack, and he was cool for passing me the torch to edit the levels, he passed this to me in 2005! Now that I'm not homeless anymore I can pick up on my hack projects.

Snag the Googie Toons demo here.

I always wanted to see what my cartoons would look like on the NES, so in 2015 pacnsacdave offered to put my characters in this hack. Only a few enemies need to be redone, but most enemies and bosses are edited. I plan on redoing the levels in this hack, too.

The SMB2 ROM I used is Super Mario Bros 2 (U) (PRG 0), so have at it!

I do need a small bit of help with Googie Toons, I don't remember where the offsets are to edit the speed back to the original, in Googie Toons the Snifits and Birdo spit really fast, of I can get help with that that'd be great.

I hope you fellas get a kick outta these demos, I'm getting back into hacking bit by bit, lemme know what you all think, see ya's. :cookie:

I borrowed graphics from BMF54123's early SMB2 hacks for Googie Toons, gotta give him credit.
Posted on 03-31-20, 01:30 am

Karma: 3305
Posts: 2012/2024
Since: 06-28-11
Googie Toons! I always liked the concept of replacing the entier cast in mario hacks ?
It gives them a personal twist, kinda like those SMK hacks that change the entire Mario Theme for something else.

Posted on 04-05-20, 03:20 pm

Karma: 47
Posts: 3/22
Since: 03-30-20
Posted by gridatttack
Googie Toons! I always liked the concept of replacing the entier cast in mario hacks ?
It gives them a personal twist, kinda like those SMK hacks that change the entire Mario Theme for something else.

I agree, okay I'll start poking at Googie Toons then. I did put back the normal speed when Snifit and Birdo shoots, lemme ask you something, if you're a spriter you wanna help me out with editing some enemies, or putting different clothes on the crew? Googie Joel Roger and Chris' bodies look the same in the hack, it'd be cool to give them a different body look.

I still gotta draw different monsters to replace the rest of the enemies, I can do that later on today. I'm glad you like Googie Toons, it means a lot.
Posted on 04-11-20, 12:19 pm
Drink Coffee, it's great :P

Karma: -30
Posts: 20/245
Since: 09-24-19
I would like to try your both hacks
I make SM64 Based videos (Machinimas), subscribe!
My YouTube Channel
Posted on 04-12-20, 05:50 am

Karma: 3305
Posts: 2014/2024
Since: 06-28-11
Posted by Googie
lemme ask you something, if you're a spriter you wanna help me out with editing some enemies, or putting different clothes on the crew?

Sorry, not really a spriter
Learning proper pixel art is still on my goals. Eventually :<

Posted on 04-29-20, 11:14 pm

Karma: 47
Posts: 5/22
Since: 03-30-20
Fair enough, if you know anyone who can sprite can you let him/her know about Googie Toons? I'll have to start drawing the rest of the monsters, been busy doing other things.
Posted on 06-05-20, 09:01 pm, deleted by RicBent: Offtopic
Posted on 06-16-20, 11:48 pm

Karma: 47
Posts: 9/22
Since: 03-30-20
Well, someone helped me out with Googie Toons. The sprites look more like my cartoon style now...

Everything is done, now to edit the levels.
Pages: 1