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Posted on 09-19-24, 11:39 am (rev. 1 by  Staryu Trek on 09-19-24, 11:03 pm)
Red Koopa
How New is this domain still...

Karma: 149
Posts: 123/127
Since: 08-24-24
So, I've just been b& from Kuribo64!

What did I do, you ask? I inputted "Attack helicopter♂, i.e. a man who doesn't care" in the gender field, which apparently got me auto-banned for... TRANSPHOBIA? WTF. The only thing I meant with that "attack helicopter" ruckus was that I don't care about my gender, and don't do labels. IMO "attack helicopter" is label-assignerphobic, not transphobic! I fully support the LGBTIQIA+ community, but I just think all those labels used nowadays for all different kinds of groups in society are bullshit, because they only cause less unity! Why does anyone have to be their own label? I am who I am! I don't care that I'm a man, hence the "attack helicopter" thingy. And, it was an auto-ban, which is bullshit for three reasons:
1. The board banned me and didn't change my gender field? Can't it just say: "You can't input that!" and disallow me to save my profile changes until I've inputted something that is OK?
2. Admins are the ones that should ban users, not algorithms. Algorithms have no sentience.
3. See above about algorithms: wordfilters are toxic bullshit anyways. See Pokémon games.

So yeah, I'm a banned user now! Lawlz! And the board didn't warn me! I call unfairness. Not to insult  Arisotura, though, plus, I know she takes REAL transphobia personally, because she's a transwoman, but I didn't have any transphobic intentions at all! Just wanted to rant about this. Sorry.

But this can be closed now. I want this board to continue with whatever its users were doing. I'm sorry for flooding some users' usercomments and I've deleted all comments on my profile about the ban. Tomorrow is another day, another dawn, and as time goes on, I will be unbanned and all this will be forgotten. Plus, this thread could turn into a bashfest or something. So just close this. Let's discuss stuff like hacking again.
Posted on 09-20-24, 03:03 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6288
Posts: 2780/2781
Since: 01-17-13
Okay, look. I get that you have nowhere else to post this, but this counts as bringing outside drama into the board.

The "attack heli" thing is a mainstream joke that is widely used against trans and nonbinary people. It makes fun of gender being anything other than male/female. The sentiment is basically "if you can sexually identify as whatever you want, then I identify as an attack helicopter".

Here's info gleaned real quick from Google:
Posted by Wikipedia
The phrase "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" is a transphobic Internet meme, typically used, according to The Guardian, "to parody the evolving gender spectrum." The phrase originated as a copypasta.

Most people start off not knowing what it means until told about the underlying meaning, because it sounds like a dumb harmless meme. It is however weaponized, and therefore frowned upon by those in the know; especially those impacted by it. It's kind of a landmine.

 Arisotura owns Kuribo64, and she can therefore do as she pleases on it. All you can do is contact her yourself and talk it out.
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