Pages: 1
Posted on 06-18-23, 10:13 pm

Karma: 2
Posts: 1/1
Since: 06-18-23
Yea, one of THOSE mods filled to the brim with MEMES. Including unfunny ones.

I kinda need a bit of help on this one, especially the fact that i wanna make it a CIA file too...

SOOO...If anyone can help, Just DM me: ryanlmao#9083
Posted on 06-21-23, 05:19 pm
I like goombas they're so :3 and killable

Karma: 402
Posts: 59/337
Since: 11-07-22

This text is centered!

I'm working on a rom hack with Digital Cheese, Rph, Mr. Ztardust and RetroAleXD. Go
here to download the work in progress patch, or go
here to contribute.

Cool website
Posted on 06-25-23, 11:46 pm
Sigma Grindset

Karma: 170
Posts: 153/237
Since: 01-10-22
Lol if I knew how to do NSMB2 modding I'd gladly do so. However I have no clue and I quit Discord anyways so I'd have to DM u here. Though this sounds pretty cool, I'd love to see it
Mini Super Mario Bros: Nitro Edition "Contributer" :]

Website | 3DSPaint | Email

DM me on 3DSPaint or email me if you need to contact me about something. and it's alt-domains are blocked by Google+Yandex sadly
Pages: 1