Pages: 1
Posted on 08-17-22, 11:47 pm
The awesome dude

Karma: 6
Posts: 2/6
Since: 08-15-22
From what I understand is that the brackgrounds are separated by tiles but I don't know how to build them to be able to export them in NSMBe
Posted on 08-18-22, 03:07 pm (rev. 1 by  OfuzzyboiO on 08-18-22, 03:07 pm)
Goomba's run the world...

Karma: 339
Posts: 118/284
Since: 08-27-20
Use the import png button to import an image of the bitmap
Use the export png button to export a png of the bitmap
Use the import button to import the file itself (including the tiling data)
Use the export buttonto export the file itself (including the tiling data)

To edit the file, double click it in NSMBe.
Pages: 1