Pages: 1
Posted on 07-23-20, 10:43 pm
Red Paragoomba

Karma: 169
Posts: 23/52
Since: 09-08-18
So if you were to put a link in a footer i was wondering how would you change the link to be text that goes to the same site as a link.

New Super Mario Bros. The Next Adventure
Posted on 07-23-20, 11:46 pm
Indeed it is, indeed it does

Karma: 336
Posts: 38/68
Since: 03-29-20
So, like this?
So, to do that, just use the following:

[ U R L = Random URL ] Random text goes here [ / u r l ]

Don't include the random spaces though.
(I had to do include those so that the tags wouldn't activate)

New Super Mario Bros. 2 Anew!
Posted on 07-24-20, 05:55 am
Red Paragoomba

Karma: 169
Posts: 24/52
Since: 09-08-18
Yup its working, thank you.

New Super Mario Bros. The Next Adventure
Pages: 1