Pages: 1
Posted on 12-29-19, 03:11 pm
Red Cheep-cheep
MammaMia Team Member

Karma: 592
Posts: 2/216
Since: 04-26-19
when you send an PM (private message) to a guy, does that person receive a notification on the site as soon as he enters it (like the youtube bell icon)?

Youtube - GitHub - NSMB Central
Posted on 12-29-19, 10:28 pm (rev. 1 by RicBent on 12-29-19, 10:28 pm)

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1519/1681
Since: 06-09-12
Sent you a test PM. But yeah you get a notification bar at the top.

Also please use more descriptive thread titles in the future. Edited.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Pages: 1