Pages: 1
Posted on 01-19-19, 03:19 am
Red Paratroopa
Someone who speaks Portuguese

Karma: 531
Posts: 163/168
Since: 11-02-16
Unlike SuperstarSaga DX and Bowser's Inside Story DX, Dream team when we extract the rom, the music folder does not contain any bcstm, instead it is only one file, called: SoundData.arc , does it mean dream team uses sequenced music instead of streamed?
Posted on 01-19-19, 11:39 am

Karma: 8548
Posts: 1411/1681
Since: 06-09-12
This doesn't mean anything.

Even if it wasn't streamed audio the audio data would be in a bcsar file and not an arc file.

Arc is just a compressed archive that you can extract, probably then containing the bcsar and bcstm files.
GitHub - Kuribo64 - YouTube
Posted on 01-19-19, 02:02 pm, deleted by RicBent: Cool story but still offtopic.
Pages: 1