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Chili_Flocke |
Posted on 12-16-17, 03:00 pm
Karma: -3 Posts: 1/3 Since: 12-16-17 |
I downloaded some of your hacks and patched them to .nds. Every game itself runs without a problem, but i think they're all using the same .sav file. (I started the first patched game, there were 3 blank files. I played on file 1 and saved the game after playing. Then I opened another patched game, and file 1 was not blank! Instead, when I clicked on file 1, the game started exactly where I saved the first patched game.) What cam I do? (Sorry for the bad english, I'm german) thx for helping me |
Thierry |
Posted on 12-16-17, 03:06 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…
Karma: 6351 Posts: 2286/2788 Since: 01-17-13 |
Your english is fine.
Anyway, are you perhaps using a flashcard or an emulator? On my flashcard, all games with the same header name (in the case of nsmb it's "NEW_MARIO") use the same data, same enabled cheats, ect. |
Chili_Flocke |
Posted on 12-16-17, 04:03 pm
Karma: -3 Posts: 2/3 Since: 12-16-17 |
Thanks for your answer.
I'm using the flashcard. I named all the files different, e.g. "NSMB 1.nds", "NSMB 2.nds" ... and the .sav files have the same names as the .nds file... they all created they own sav file but don't use it...? |
Posted on 12-16-17, 07:12 pm
![]() Karma: 348 Posts: 59/124 Since: 06-19-17 |
I have that same problem. What I do is change the first letter of "Mario" in the .nds file name, so I play hacks such as Zario Endless Earth 0.03 and Jario The New Worlds. This seems to create different save files, and I have no problem with save files overlapping.
Chili_Flocke |
Posted on 12-17-17, 12:33 pm
Karma: -3 Posts: 3/3 Since: 12-16-17 |
Hey thanks, now it works!
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Pages: 1