Pages: 1
Posted on 07-09-16, 12:37 pm (rev. 5 by  MeroMero on 07-28-16, 09:47 pm)
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 459/598
Since: 05-01-13
Remember this: ?
Plot twist: this was only the first part of the update!

Now here is the second and final part of the update, which required ASM, hence why I didn't include it all in one go!

Also the Blockhopper camouflage ASM Hack was merged with this one.

The code also handles the Bouncing Bricks.

Due to some files needing to be modified, just download the patch in this post, which includes this thread ASM-Hack!

Enemy folder Jyotyu tiles:
repl_0215B658_ov_36: @Used Block repl_0215D0FC_ov_36: repl_02185E04_ov_62: repl_02186F0C_ov_62: MOV R2, #0 LDR R1, =0x208B170 LDR R1, [R1] CMP R1, #0 BXEQ LR LDRB R1, [R1, #2] CMP R1, #0x4B MOVHI R1, #0 LDR R3, =0x20C93B8 LDRB R3, [R3, R1] MOV R3, R3, LSL #5 LDR R1, =0x2129368 LDRH R1, [R1] ADD R1, R1, R3 ADD R3, R0, #0x160 STRH R1, [R3] BX LR repl_0215B620_ov_36: @Flying Block repl_0215B6C8_ov_36: repl_02185DD4_ov_62: @Hanging Bouncing Block repl_0218641C_ov_62: repl_02186EDC_ov_62: @Hanging Block repl_02187794_ov_62: STMFD SP!, {R1-R2, LR} LDR R0, =0x1052 @File ID 4309 BL .Hatena LDMFD SP!, {R1-R2, PC} repl_0215B5E0_ov_36: @Flying Block repl_0215B6A4_ov_36: repl_0215D04C_ov_36: @Red Flying Block repl_0215D150_ov_36: STMFD SP!, {R1-R2, LR} LDR R0, =0x1056 @File ID 4313 BL .Hatena LDMFD SP!, {R1-R2, PC} repl_021856F0_ov_63: @Bouncing Bricks repl_02185C74_ov_63: STMFD SP!, {R1-R2, LR} LDR R0, =0x105A BL .Hatena LDMFD SP!, {R1-R2, PC} .Hatena: STMFD SP!, {LR} LDR R1, =0x208B170 LDR R1, [R1] CMP R1, #0 LDMEQFD SP!, {PC} LDRB R1, [R1, #2] CMP R1, #0x4B MOVHI R1, #0 LDR R2, =0x20C93B8 LDRB R2, [R2, R1] ADD R0, R0, R2 LDMFD SP!, {PC} repl_020BAA54_ov_00: @Blockhopper STMFD SP!, {R1-R4} LDR R2, =0x50E BL .Camouflage LDR R2, =0x511 BL .Camouflage LDMFD SP!, {R1-R4, PC} .Camouflage: STMFD SP!, {LR} LDR R1, =0x2087620 MOV R3, #0 .LoopCamouflage1: LDRH R4, [R1] CMP R4, R2 BEQ .SuccessLoopCamouflage1 SUB R1, R1, #0x18 ADD R3, R3, #1 CMP R3, #0x100 BCC .LoopCamouflage1 LDMFD SP!, {PC} .SuccessLoopCamouflage1: LDR R4, [R1, #0xC] ADD R4, R4, #0x8A MOV R1, R0, LSL #1 MOV R3, #0 .LoopCamouflage2: AND R2, R3, #1 ADD R2, R2, R1 ADD R2, R2, #0x31 STRB R2, [R4], #0x10 ADD R3, R3, #1 CMP R3, #4 BCC .LoopCamouflage2 LDMFD SP!, {PC}

Posted on 07-09-16, 12:39 pm
Fire Brother

Karma: 3646
Posts: 857/1120
Since: 11-29-11
Looks nice! I assume the Red Flying [?]Block will still be red, right?
Posted on 07-09-16, 12:41 pm
Death by cuteness

Karma: 6584
Posts: 460/598
Since: 05-01-13
Indeed, it will stay Red until it get transformed into a Used Block, which is where it will take the current jyotyu palette.
Posted on 09-12-16, 05:43 am
Oh herro

Karma: 18
Posts: 19/24
Since: 07-14-16
i is brokent by my HELP PLS
Posted on 09-12-16, 10:41 am

Karma: 503
Posts: 114/328
Since: 08-20-16
Posted by JorianGamer
i is brokent by my HELP PLS

You obviously haven't installed the xdelta from here:
rip signature
Posted on 11-14-16, 02:44 am
Red Paratroopa
Someone who speaks Portuguese

Karma: 531
Posts: 46/168
Since: 11-02-16
The flagpole texture is empty for me...
Pages: 1