Posted on 05-23-14, 05:34 pm (rev. 1 by  XXLuigiMario on 05-23-14, 05:35 pm)

Karma: 28
Posts: 13/15
Since: 09-17-12
Posted by Tierage
Granted, but everyone hates it.

I wish somebody would review my hack.
what no I'm not advertising ahahahah

Granted, but then it's get a Cease and Desist letter from Nintendo.
I wish my Bukkit plugin (Minecraft) programming skills were better
Posted on 05-23-14, 05:49 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 15/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but you make another Factions plugin that is used by a bunch of whining six year olds.

I wish that I could think of a better name for my hack.
still not advertising totally not
Posted on 05-24-14, 01:09 am

Karma: 863
Posts: 126/237
Since: 02-04-14
Granted, but it's already used.

I wish to be the ruler of every Spanish country!

Posted on 05-24-14, 08:14 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 20/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but the world explodes. (not feeling too clever right now )

I wish that Homestuck would be updated.
Posted on 05-26-14, 11:15 pm

Karma: 863
Posts: 128/237
Since: 02-04-14
Granted but I don't know what that is so I won't corrupt the wish.

I wish for the word wish to not exist.
Posted on 05-26-14, 11:37 pm

Karma: 1753
Posts: 57/658
Since: 05-14-14
Posted by MarioAdvance125
Granted but I don't know what that is so I won't corrupt the wish.

I wish for the word wish to not exist.


I OH HUAW HAU AHWEEWEEWEEWEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for everybody to know what Homestuck is.
Posted on 05-27-14, 12:01 am

Karma: 1589
Posts: 803/1290
Since: 02-12-13

Granted, but the world explodes from the amount of knowledge in it.

Posted on 05-27-14, 12:20 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 59/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but it is a swear word.

I wish that I didn't just swear.
Posted on 05-27-14, 12:25 am (rev. 1 by  snake block on 05-27-14, 12:25 am)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 804/1290
Since: 02-12-13

Granted, but then you say such wonderful words that all worlds explode from the wordness you caused to the world.

I wish nothing.
Posted on 05-27-14, 02:20 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 60/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but you get everything.

I wish that you would stop doing the overused joke that barely qualifies as humor of the world exploding randomly as a result of a wish being granted.
Posted on 05-27-14, 03:01 am (rev. 1 by  snake block on 05-27-14, 03:01 am)

Karma: 1589
Posts: 805/1290
Since: 02-12-13
Granted, but then the randomly exploding world the of humor as qualifies barely that joke overused the doing stop would you.

I wish that a wood chuck would chuck a wood and then also that I wish I know the lyrics or whatevs
Posted on 05-27-14, 04:18 am (rev. 1 by MarioAdvance125 on 05-27-14, 04:19 am)

Karma: 863
Posts: 129/237
Since: 02-04-14
Granted. That wish is way to hard to corrupt. o_0

I wish for letters.
Posted on 06-16-14, 04:03 am
I am random… very random.

Karma: 750
Posts: 517/682
Since: 01-17-12
Granted, but it is the greek alphabet.

I wish for feathers!
<Silvreus>It has been 1 month, 4 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 3 seconds since I last remember being lazy.

Posted on 06-16-14, 04:12 am

Karma: 1753
Posts: 82/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but you lose all your hair.

I wish for 413 Karma!
Posted on 06-16-14, 05:27 am (rev. 1 by Wesley on 06-16-14, 05:35 am)
Inactive, don't bother

Karma: 1285
Posts: 257/377
Since: 10-07-12
Granted, but it causes a board war among other users because they want "that" too.

I wish that the bad "Behavior Plugin" would realize that I'm not a evil bot.
Posted on 06-16-14, 07:12 am
Red Cheep-cheep

Karma: 342
Posts: 14/209
Since: 01-09-14
Granted, but now it thinks everyone else on the forums are evil bots, making the forums useless.

I wish for a new DS with a working L button.
This is a footer.
Posted on 06-16-14, 12:13 pm
I am random… very random.

Karma: 750
Posts: 519/682
Since: 01-17-12
Granted, but then the R button doesn't work.

I wish to go to Spain.
<Silvreus>It has been 1 month, 4 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 3 seconds since I last remember being lazy.

Posted on 06-16-14, 01:40 pm

Karma: 1589
Posts: 874/1290
Since: 02-12-13
But something moves Spain and throws it onto the sun.

I wish I could make a wish which could make a bigger wish which could make a smaller wish which would then make a flashing wish which also makes rainbow wishes which make diapers.
Posted on 06-16-14, 02:18 pm
この記号は… 解読できないよ…

Karma: 6351
Posts: 813/2788
Since: 01-17-13
Granted but this wish is the stupidest wish ever so rowan3112 comes and stomps you. (I chose a random user ID)

I wish I didn't wish.
Posted on 06-16-14, 02:28 pm (rev. 1 by Tierage on 06-16-14, 02:29 pm)

Karma: 1753
Posts: 83/658
Since: 05-14-14
Granted, but you did. did. did. did. did. did. did.DIDIDIdiidddddddddddddddddddddddd

UNIVerse.exe astoped WORKNIN/h1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I wish that I didn't just go full-on Windows Vista on the Universe.