Pages: 1
Posted on 03-13-13, 11:30 pm (rev. 3 by  Dirbaio on 04-05-13, 12:24 am)

Karma: 3316
Posts: 1162/2026
Since: 06-28-11
This forum here serves to find all the NSMB related tutorials on one place.

  • To keep things clean, please do NOT create question threads here to ask how to edit something that does not have a tutorial. If its NSMB related, you can ask that at the General NSMB Hacking forum. Asking in a tutorial thread for help about the tutorial is OK
  • If you have any tutorial regarding NSMB hacking, feel free to post a thread about it here
    (and dont forget to include the [tutorial] tag )
  • They are other tutorials regarding other topics, like ASM hacks, importing NSBMD, etc. You can find all the tutorials in the forum about something using this link right here.


Pages: 1