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Posted on 07-25-16, 02:00 pm in hey, super-toad, do you know what stop means?
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 96/101
Since: 05-14-16
okay, so I go and clean up my profile comments, I listen to the PM and don't post on your comments, but of course, you can't comprehend what "stop" means.

You've been posting overall shit on everyone's comments at this point.

So, super-toad, what the actual fuck are you doing? You keep posting dumb crap on banned users profiles, which never ends, and you keep posting your josuehackerds spam everywhere, and you don't know when to leave people alone.

We've stopped already. Why can't you stop?

Doesn't help that your comments were smartassey geared towards me apparently fueling the drama. Dude, you've been firing your random remarks at your comments and then raging hard when I tell you to stop.

Who's really creating all the drama? I'm sick of seeing nothing happen and I want others' opinions on this. Something needs to get done about your constant whining and smartassery. I'm tired of it. And many others are too.

TL;DR: Stop. You aren't cute or funny by posting random remarks. They make everyone frustrated at you, but then you rage hard coming back and you never stop.

So I'm saying stop now.
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-21-16, 02:59 am in Hack Name vote (rev. 1 by xKitten on 05-21-16, 03:00 am)
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 35/101
Since: 05-14-16
uhh... no

You can't just whip up a hack in 10 days, you need to plan it and not put yourself on a time crunch

I personally have never liked release dates
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-23-16, 01:52 am in modern Ask Everyone Anything thread
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 91/101
Since: 05-14-16
This is actually a good thread. Now there doesn't need to be other ask threads, now.

Why do you dislike this idea?
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-25-16, 03:28 am in Post bugs and suggestions in this thread (rev. 2 by xKitten on 07-25-16, 03:38 am)
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 94/101
Since: 05-14-16
Posted by Super-toad 65
Posted by StapleButter
bug dirbaio to modify the board code. no other way.

Sometimes writing on banned people's pages is good, certain times is BAD. Blargboard has this bad feature -.-

no that's just you writing "-.-" 70 times on random banned users profiles

blargboard has that good feature where it prevents crap like that. hopefully it does get ported over sometime.
Posted by Thierry
In that case, you can just report it.

Let's face it, Super-toad isn't the type person to turn in himself
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-25-16, 03:40 pm in hey, super-toad, do you know what stop means?
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 101/101
Since: 05-14-16
my real point was that nothing's going to be done if people don't know what's going on

plus, super-toad has already ignored staple's warning so really, i'm just putting this out there because I'm tired of his constant whining and smartassery in general
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-16-16, 12:02 am in giant problem Big images problem
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 14/101
Since: 05-14-16
mobile view isn't terrible for the purpose of just looking through a thread, and it doesn't really need 'fixing'
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 05-18-16, 11:56 am in Official NSMBHD Sanctioned Shitpost Thread
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 20/101
Since: 05-14-16

Have you ever just wanted to hide under your bed and pretend you're a carrot?

It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 06-12-16, 12:39 am in Post bugs and suggestions in this thread (rev. 1 by ImageBot on 11-21-16, 03:21 am)
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 50/101
Since: 05-14-16
Posted by NintendoFan

Speaking of Staple's comment on that image, is there any way to stop people from randomly posting on banned people's comments? It's dumb.
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-11-16, 10:21 pm in Have tags recognize a color
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 70/101
Since: 05-14-16
you could try to add/remove the tag over and over before it finally gives you red.

but that's tedious. All I have to ask is, what would be the use of this feature?
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-17-16, 07:29 pm in Waifu Thread
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 82/101
Since: 05-14-16
Posted by Aderp Hitler


oh derpyboard, you had some great quotes

anyway, genders can't be infinite, but derpboards can :>
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-22-16, 06:35 pm in New Super Mario Bros. 6 An Unknown Journey
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 89/101
Since: 05-14-16
Ah no, I was referring to Pinet.
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-23-16, 12:37 am in modern Ask Everyone Anything thread
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 90/101
Since: 05-14-16
Ok then, here we go:

 MoonlightCapital, how are you not banned?

same though

 MoonlightCapital, why do you feel like annoying the hell outta me is the good idea

and while we're at it, why do you obsess over banned morons
It's time we take a stand.
Posted on 07-23-16, 02:04 am in modern Ask Everyone Anything thread
banned: childish fight with Super-toad 65

Karma: 265
Posts: 92/101
Since: 05-14-16
Super-toad has been taking the piss out of everyone recently. It's only a matter of time before anything comes to that.

And no, it's definitely not KingYoshi's fault
It's time we take a stand.
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