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Posted on 09-14-11, 09:11 pm (rev. 1)
Red Paragoomba
SKJmin is a moron, so I'm SKJmoron!

Karma: -417
Posts: 38/58
Since: 06-27-11

I'm sure members who made at least 5 levels got sick of placing the entrances, paths correctly (default tiles: dividable through 16)
Can we add a feature in the editor which divides the X and Y values through 16 and gives out if this is a multiple of 16?

Something like MODULO in C+!
2464%16=0 (something like that, you know what I mean Dirbaio^^)

I have a level where I have 192 DOORS!!
Placing the icons took me ages!

I'm finished with my hack,, so I don't need it anymore but it would very uselful to other members for future hacks!

Edit\ YAAY, I got promoted to RED GOOMBA^^
Posted on 09-14-11, 09:13 pm
Full mod

Karma: 1183
Posts: 188/785
Since: 06-28-11
Hold down the Shift key while dragging and the entrance will be locked to the 8x8 pixel grid.
Posted on 09-14-11, 09:22 pm
Red Paragoomba
SKJmin is a moron, so I'm SKJmoron!

Karma: -417
Posts: 39/58
Since: 06-27-11
Posted by Piranhaplant
Hold down the Shift key while dragging and the entrance will be locked to the 8x8 pixel grid.


Never knew that.. what an epic fail...

Thanks buddy!
Posted on 09-16-11, 08:06 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 411/2112
Since: 06-28-11
LOL. That is really an epic fail.
This works even on 5.0^^ (I think)
Posted on 09-16-11, 08:15 pm
Super Mario
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Karma: 10021
Posts: 865/4458
Since: 06-08-11
Yes, from 5.0
That's one of the first things I added to the editor
Posted on 09-16-11, 08:23 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 412/2112
Since: 06-28-11
my c/c++ teacher is a lazy ass. -.-
he gave my class an e-book "C for Java Programmers", what has 378 pages. He said, we should learn that... -.-
Then we can program in C... I hate it.
Posted on 09-16-11, 08:48 pm (rev. 2)
Red Paragoomba
SKJmin is a moron, so I'm SKJmoron!

Karma: -417
Posts: 40/58
Since: 06-27-11
Posted by Dirbaio
Yes, from 5.0
That's one of the first things I added to the editor

I used the shit or ctrl ohold option to enlarge things and so go on, but the DOOR fix thingy... never tried that

I will show just a single image od my water-maze:
Posted on 09-16-11, 09:04 pm

Karma: 3757
Posts: 413/2112
Since: 06-28-11
You are sick.
Posted on 09-16-11, 10:18 pm
Red Paragoomba
SKJmin is a moron, so I'm SKJmoron!

Karma: -417
Posts: 41/58
Since: 06-27-11
Posted by NsmB_PrO
You are sick.

Nothing new
Pages: 1